 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
 The FBI Files – The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed, Nicholas Redfern.
 On the Trail of the Saucer Spies, Nicholas Redfern.

Open Skies Closed Minds, Nick Pope.
 Exopolitics - Political Implications Of
The Extraterrestrial Presence.

The Oz Files – The Australian UFO Story.

UFOs - a report on Australian encounters.
UK Police UFO Witnesses
2012 Dec 17 - Officer Reports Supersonic UFO Sighting
An on-duty PC claims flashing blue light was moving at supersonic speed while driving off-duty near Birmingham airport. The PC reportedly spotted the UFO near Birmingham airport. The unnamed officer, an acting sergeant with West Midlands police, saw a ‘light with a bluish tinge’ that ‘pulsed rhythmically’ and zoomed off. A colleague called air traffic control, but workers there said they had seen nothing.
The officer told his story to a UFO fan who related it to the Haunted Skies website. ‘I noticed a light in the sky which was pulsing rhythmically. It was very bright and had a bluish tinge to it,’ the website reported the officer as saying. ... I thought at first that it was a plane. Then I realised, as it was only a single light, this was not likely to be the case. ... Besides, I had never seen an aircraft in that part of the sky.’
West Midlands police said the force was aware of the incident but that ‘the officer had been off-duty on the night in question and he did not report anything officially to the control room’. UFO expert Nick Pope, who previously investigated alleged alien sightings for the Ministry of Defence, told Birmingham’s Sunday Mercury: ‘This could be the real thing – a UFO in our airspace and military aircraft scrambled to intercept.’
2008 Jun 20 -
UK Police Chopper In Near Collision With UFO
On the 20th of June 2008, a helicopter of police officers landing at a Welsh Airforce Base were involved in a near hit with a departing UFO. Reports in the media that the "UFO attack" was repeated and that a chase ensued have been denied by officialdom but reports from witnesses who watched the helicopter pursue the UFO are persistant.
After the story broke on 20th June the story changed and the police were careful to use the phrase "unusual aircraft" as opposed to UFO. Additionally, while confirming the sighting, they denied a chase had taken place. Perhaps the most extraordinary aspect of the story was a quote from the MoD Press Office, where a spokesperson made the following comment: "But it is certainly not advisable for police helicopters to go chasing what they think are UFOs".
This story was followed by an even bigger one, when it transpired that a few hours before the police helicopter incident, soldiers at Tern Hill barracks in Shropshire saw several UFOs fly directly over their base. One of them filmed the objects on his cellphone. The Sun (the UK's best-selling national daily newspaper) ran the story on the front page under the headline "Army Spot UFOs Over Shropshire". The film is inconclusive and may even just show so-called Chinese lanterns, but the front page media coverage was almost without precedent.
(UFO Hunters - UFO Storm)
2008 May 2 -
Police Chopper In Birmingham UFO Incident
There had been an incident involving a police helicopter over the city of Birmingham. The incident occurred on 2nd May at a height of around 1500 feet and the UFO came close enough for the pilot to take evasive action. An official investigation was undertaken by the UK Airprox Board, a body sponsored jointly by the Civil Aviation Authority and the MoD. They found no explanation for the incident.
2003 Nov 17 - Wales - Police Helicopter Team Witness UFO
At 2.25am, a family saw 20 to 30 flashing red and white lights zig-zag their way through the sky and captured it on camera. The parents and their child were backed up by police officers and a police helicopter team who also witnessed the weird UFO and a whirring noise. The crew reported the incident over Bromley, Kent, to Swanick air traffic control and RAF Neatishead. Officials checked their radar coverage but it revealed nothing unusual.
Report documents released by the MoD state: “A policeman sent to investigate confirmed the sighting. Objects were moving faster than any man-made aircraft.” The reports show the police thought the lights might have been aircraft approaching Heathrow, but an audit of traffic by Swanick proved otherwise. There was nothing showing on the airport approach and all traffic was at a high level. An unnamed wing commander wrote that the authorities concluded: “Neatishead have reviewed the radar tapes for the time period specified and, other than routine air traffic in the area, nothing additional was detected in the area despite good radar coverage. Therefore, I can now confirm that the incident does not represent anything of air defence interest.”
(, 6:30AM GMT 03 Mar 2011)
2003 May - Patrol Car Pursues UFO
In Skipton, North Yorkshire, in May 2003, an anonomous officer witnessed and pursued a UFO, with the entire event captured on his dashboard camera.
(UFO Hunters - Cops vs UFOs)
2000 Aug 11 - Police Helicopter Chases UFO Over Brighton
Sergeant John Tickner and paramedic Sean Mitchell of the Sussex Police force were flying 1000 feet above Brighton in their helicopter when ]they saw an object begin to approach them from the left. They filmed the unidentified flying object using their onboard camera as it first approached them, then swept past, unheeding. In shape resembling a compact cylinder, it did not look like any conventional aircraft they had ever seen. They decided to give chase while filming it. They pursued it for three minutes before losing track of it, using the camera continuously and even switching to a thermal-imaging view at one point. A popular explanation was a chinese lantern.
1988 Oct - Police Report Low-flying Oval UFOs
Kent and Sussex.
In Britain, in October 1988, in Kent and Sussex, police and civilian witnesses were reporting UFOs, typically of an oval-shaped object with four bright white lights and a red light in the center, flying low, and giving off a deep hum. Two witnesses said the object suddenly climbed vertically into the evening sky.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2 – The Coverup Exposed, Richard Dolan, Pg 461. [157])
(Redfern, Nicolas, A Covert Agenda, p 166.)
1988 Jan - Police Respond And Cofirm UFO Sighting
Penmaenmawr, Dwygyfylchi, Conwy County Borough, Wales.
1987 Jun 21 - Dozens of Officers Witness UFO Over Stonehenge
Officer Phill Hutchins along with dozens of other officers were on guard at Stonehenge when at aprox 2-3am a UFO aproached and manuevered above. Phill made no formal report for fear of ridicule.
(UFO Hunters - Cops vs UFOs)
1980 Dec 29 - PC Alan Godfrey
Tolmorden West Yorkshire 05:00-05:50hrs Wits: Muliple Officers CE4

PC Alan Godfrey

West Yorkshire Police
On the 29 December 1980, at 05:00-05:50 hours, in Tolmorden, West Yorkshire, PC Alan Godfrey was making one last sweep of a housing estate when he looked up the road to see what he initially thought was a bus slew across the road, but was a diamond shaped UFO hovering in a stationary position five feet above the road. He was within 20-50 feet of the craft and he described the object as being 20 feet wide and 14 feet high with windows on the top part whilst the bottom part rotated anticlockwise. He attempted to contact his local police control via the vehicle’s radio set but it would not function nor would his personal radio. Whilst he sat in the car he decided to sketch the object in front of him. Moments later he suddenly found himself driving down the same road approximately 50-100 yards further on, with the object gone. Puzzled and shaken by the experience he drove back towards Todmorden Police station where he saw a colleague on foot patrol. He picked him up and drove him back to the scene of his encounter where they found a circular dry patch on the wet road. Godfrey stated that the rotation of the craft had caused nearby trees and bushes to shake and Leaves and branches had formed a circular pattern where Godfrey claimed the UFO had been. Only hours later did it emerge that he had suffered a period of ‘missing time’ of approximately 15-20 minutes which he couldn’t account for at the end of his shift. One of his boots had sustained a split under his foot that hadn’t been there earlier in the shift. He also found a red mark on his foot that developed into an irritating rash which later required minor medical treatment and persisted for several days after the incident. In a hypnosis session, one widely regarded as one of Britain’s finest UFO abduction examples, he recalled that he had got out of the police vehicle to get a better look at the object, however an intense white light had enveloped him which frightened him and he sought the sanctuary of the police car, when he suddenly found himself elsewhere. To this day he does not have any conscious memories of the abduction scenario and finds it difficult to comprehend himself. A member of the public also saw a similar coloured object in the town itself minutes prior. Two on-duty uniformed traffic officers observed a very bright UFO low on the horizon. The officers contacted Allan Godfrey approximately one year after his sighting, fearing ridicule. One hour before, at 04:00 hours, PC John Porter, PC Howard Turnpenny, PC Julie Baxter and a fourth officer were high on the moors when they observed a blue coloured UFO making a series of angular turns low across the valley. The object jerked from one side of the valley to the other and was last seen heading in the direction of Tolmorden. This was officially reported by telex to West Yorkshire HQ in Wakefield. [1]
Allan filled official forms which were sent to the Ministry of Defense. A letter from Ministry of Denfense, in response to an enquiry by Alan, stated no such records existed. Not long after, Alan was suddenly told he was to be transferred to Wakefield, but he didn’t want to go. After returning from holiday he was then transferred to Halifax, in complete disregard to his settled life with his wife and three children. Upon arriving at Halifax, Alan was told he wasn’t to mix with the public. Later he was ordered to appear at a hospital for an exam. Upon arrival at the hospital he was surprised to find that it was a psychiatric hospital. Alan attended the exam with a colleague, where he was told by the doctor, “We understand that you have hallucinations and you’ve seen little green men and flying saucers.” Fortunately, Alan’s colleague came to his defence, saying, “Whoa, whoa. Let me tell you something. I’ve seen one and so have a lot of Alan’s colleagues,” naming some of the officers, and the doctors sat with their jaws open. Later Alan returned to his old police station, and was told that he had been barred from the station, “because things have been going missing.” The following day, Alan enquired about the order, of his division head, who claimed to have no knowledge of the official order. Alan threatened legal action. Later, Alan went to his locker and found the lock broken and the on the floor. Inside the locker were suspected contraband drugs. Alan disposed of the drugs down the toilet and informed his sergeant. The next day at work, Alan was called aside to be questioned by internal affairs, who then proceeded to search Alan’s locker. The investigators were apparently “absolutely livid” to find nothing unusual.[2]
Godfrey features not only in Heseltine's Police UFO database but also as an informant in Dr. Steven Greer's American UFO-disclosure program.
(1. PRUFOS Case 93, 97, 96, Alan Godfrey interviews 2002.)
(2. Disclosure - Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History, Steven M. Greer, pg 406-408.)
(See also UFO Hunters - Cops vs UFOs.
1980 Dec 26 - Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident
A UFO seemed to have lured a security team from a highly-secured airforce nuclear facility into a nearby forest near England's south east coast. UFO sightings were reported over two nights and high ranking personnel reported seeing a triangular UFO land. The craft alledgedly had writing clearly enscribed on its surface. Someone touched the surface of the craft. Three heavy equalateral impressions caused by several tonnes were plaster-casted at the site. High levels of radiation in the area were measured to peek in the impressions. Other witnesses reported a bright red light that darted about the forest which seemed to 'wink'.
The British Police featured in the event, and famous photographs of a British police officer along with Captain Mike Verrano of the USAF at the alleged landing site exist. Investigations into the Rendlesham Constabulary have been a challenge to investigators, with the local police being extremely difficult and suspicious, acting almost with a fearful silence on the topic.
(You Can’t Tell the People, Georgina Bruni.)
(See also UFO Hunters - Military vs UFOs)
(See also Unsolved Mysteries)
1978,1979,2x1983 - Sergeant Anthony Dodd
North Yorkshire WITS:Muliple CE1/Photos
Sergeant Anthony Dodd

North Yorkshire Police
In January 1978, at 0230 hours, Sergeant Tony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale were travelling in a police car when they observed a dome shaped circular UFO in the vicinity of Cononley near Skipton, North Yorkshire. At close proximity, and at an altitude of 100 feet, it moved silently over fields before passing directly over the police car. Portholes could be seen on the upper dome and there were three spheres protruding from its underside. The object was seen going over a hill as if to land. They were joined by another officer in a marked vehicle who confirmed that he too had witnessed the UFO from a different position. [a]
In January 1979, at 02:30, along the A65 Skipton to Gargrave road, Tony and another officer were traveling in a marked car in dangerous snowy conditions to meet another police vehicle to exchange internal mail when they saw a bright light in the distance. The object was stationary for a moment before slowly moving across the landscape. The object was dome shaped with a white light that appeared to be coming from some kind of window structure. [b]
Tony had two more sightings in 1983. On the 14 March at 03:15, he observed two UFOs passing over the Carleton Moor. [c]
And yet again, on the 7 November, at 19:55 hours, between Bolton Abbey and Addingham, near Skipton, whilst driving, Tony and his wife observed a large disc shape, estimated as four times the size of a car, approaching the car from their right. At low altitude, it passed almost directly over the car before disappearing behind nearby trees. His wife described the craft as resembling a child’s spinning top. Moments later the same UFO reappeared and swept toward the car once again. Tony pulled the car over and took a series of photographs. Scientific analysis concluded the object to be 30 feet in diameter and near spherical in shape. [d]
Sergeant Anthony Dodd subsequently became a famous UFO investigator and researcher. Now one of the world’s leading experts on UFOs and alien visitation, Tony is the author of “Alien Investigator – the case files of Britains Leading UFO detective”, the story of his investigations into the UFO phenomenon. Dodd passed away on 24 March, 2009 after a long fight with illness.
(Photo PRUFOS, Credit Hasemann)
(a. PRUFOS Case 68, Original Source - Alien Investigator, Pages 7-10)
(b. PRUFOS Case 76, Original Source - Alien Investigator, Pages 20-21)
(c. PRUFOS Case 116, Original Source – Yorkshire Post)
(d. PRUFOS Case 21, Orginal Source - Alien Investigator, Pages 26-28)
(Alien Investigator, Tony Dodd, Headline Publishing Books)
(Youtube Interview with Dodd)
(Youtube Interview with Dodd)
1977 Aug 28 - Police Watch Flying Stingray Fish
Windermere, Cumbria.
On August 28, 1977, shortly after midnight, a large object with lights was seen near Windermere, Cumbria. For more than twenty minutes, British Police and citizens observed the object which resembled "the shape of a stingray fish," apparently triangular in shape. All witnesses reported it as silent, except one person who reported a "quiet hum."
(UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2 – The Coverup Exposed, Richard Dolan, pg 156. [72])
(Redfern, Nicholas, "A Covert Agenda", p 131-133.)
1977 Autumn - Officer Lost 20mins From UFO
In the early fall of 1977, an anonymous British police officer in Sussex saw a UFO on a bright day while off duty and waiting for a bus. The object looked like a domed saucer, had the look of polished metal, was green-greyish in colour, and had a blue-green light on top. She saw a thick black circular section on the bottom of the craft, and heard no sound. She waved to the object, which then came closer. Her memory seemed unclear after this, but when the bus arrived, she felt numb and uncoordinated. The object was gone, and she had unaccountably lost twenty minutes of time.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2 – The Coverup Exposed, Richard Dolan, Pg 156. [73])
(Good, Timothy, "Above Top Secret", p 115-116.)
Bottesford/Scunthorpe Lincolnshire Wits:2 CE2
Detective Constable 1877 Gary Heseltine

British Transport Police
As young 15year-old Heseltine walked along a footpath adjacent to his school, Frederick Gough Comprehensive, he saw a brilliant white light pass from right to left. As the object moved slowly across the landscape all electrical power behind its flight path cut off plunging the area into darkness. As he continued to watch it a series of further power cuts followed. His then-girlfriend was with him at the time who also observed the object. The UFO was seen against a backdrop of a clear summer night sky and appeared to have no sound. Because it was heading in the direction of his home he decided to drop his girlfriend off first and then race back on his bike in an effort to get ahead of it by way of a short cut. This he did and just made it in time to observe it pass over the garden of his home. He rushed inside and told his parents that he believed a power cut was imminent but they looked at him bemused. No sooner had it passed over a thirty minute power cut followed.
Inspired by the UFO sighting as a teenager, Heseltine began to compile a database of British Police Officer UFO sightings, publishing his first report in 2001, under the title of the Police Reporting UFO Sightings (PRUFOS) report. Of note, is that Heseltine’s own teenage sighting has not appeared in his database, however a second sighting in 1999 does appear in the off-duty category, consisting of three lights moving in an arrow formation. Heseltine’s work appeared on the History Channel in the US in a program called “UFO Hunters” on the 5th of March 2008, an episode focused on officer UFOs. Heseltine also appeared as a consultant military police officer in "UFO Hunters - Military vs UFOs". The PRUFOS report also featured in “Police Review” in March 2007. The 2006 report was stonewalled by the British media, having been sent to and ignored by every national newspaper and TV company in Britain. However he is slowly making some headway having appeared on the BBC. Heseltine's PRUFOS Database represents the largest known Police Officer UFO sightings catalogue in Britain to date, if not the biggest Officer UFO sightings catalogue in the world. While Dodd has researched critical aspects of the UFO enigma, Heseltine has focused clearly on the Policing issue.
Heseltine also managed a related project, the online magazine “UFO Monthly”, which could found at Much of Heseltine’s UFO work on police UFOs was published in this journal, however he has ceased production of “UFO Monthly”, and is now co-editor of “UFO Data” which can be found at Heseltine’s 2006 PRUFOS Police Report was featured in his sister project, UFO Monthly, December 2005. Heseltine makes it clear throughout his publications, that he is urging all officers to come forward with their UFO accounts safe in the knowledge that he can safeguard identity. Many British officers have truly heeded his call, many now even coming forward publicly with their name and photo. While Heseltine claims that most of his research time is restricted by his job as a detective, the progress he has made is nothing short of phenomenal, and while concentrating on Britain he has contributed to the topic globally. Heseltine won the 2010 Disclosures Award for his database of UFO sightings from UK police officers.
The History of British Police UFO Sightings by Detective Constable , youtube,
Exopolitics Great Britatin Lecture - Exopolitics Leeds 2010.
(Garry Heseltine's Police Reporting UFO Sightings (PRUFOS) Database)
(Hull UFO Society, Past Speakers Profile, Gary Heseltine - PRUFOS)
(UFOmonthly, theWhyFiles)
[See also: Interview with Jerry Pippin]
[UFO Hunters Case 91104 - COPS vs UFOS.
Part 3]
[UFO Hunters Case 80101 - Military vs UFOS.
Part 3]
[To listen to an interview with Gary Heseltine, click here]
1967 Oct 24 - PCs Rodger Willie & Clifford Waycott
0400 hours, CE1.

(A3072) between Okehampton and Holsworthy, Devon. Two on duty uniformed police officers, PC CLIFFORD WAYCOTT and PC ROGER WILLEY had spotted a pulsating flying cross whilst driving between the above locations. It was seen at low altitude moving above the treetops of the surrounding countryside. Intrigued they began to chase the UFO, however they were never able to significantly gain on it. At times the object slowed to 50 mph and at one point came to a stop in mid air. The pursuit involved speeds of up to 90 mph and covered a distance of 14 miles. Whenever they did gain a little ground on the object it would simply accelerate away from them. Eventually they reduced their speed fearing an accident themselves. The closest distance they reached to the UFO was 400 yards. At one point they stopped at a farm to wake up the owner so they could gain some corroboration that they were not mistaken in their sighting.
At a later press conference PC WAYCOTT said, “The light wasn’t piercing but it was very bright. It was star-spangled - just like looking through wet glass and although we reached 90 mph it accelerated away from us.” Before the object disappeared from view they saw a second UFO that was also cross-shaped, very bright and made no noise. Both officers were impressed by the relevant speeds of the objects as they quickly departed, especially the first one. Enquiries at nearby RAF Chivenor proved negative. Within 48 hours numerous other witnesses began to report sightings of similar objects. A ‘fiery cross’ was witnessed above the skies of Glossop, Derbyshire by six police officers.
(Source - UFO Flying Saucers over Britain by Robert Chapman. Mayflower Books 1969. Pages 13-15.)
1956 Sep 1 - Police Witness USO Rise From Sea
Portcawl, Galmorgan, Wales.
Police at Porthcawl, Galmorgan, saw a blood-red object, with a jagged black streak across its center, rise from the sea. It was described as being a "good deal larger than a full-sized harvest moon" and as having headed out toward the Atlantic.
(Invisible Residents, Ivan T. Sanderson, pg 39)
(FSR, Vol 3 No 6, pg 9)