 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
European Police UFO Witnesses
2009 Jun - Italy - UFO Probes Near Police Helicopter
2009 Apr 28 - Slovakia - Massive UFO Formation Filmed by Police
Slovak TV Markiza reported that police reacted to many phone calls alerting them to 19 mysterious objects in the sky. Police stated, "We watched these objects at an angle of 45 degrees." "I took a camera and shot [images of] it. It was appearing as big flaming balls."
"Naturally, I could determine a distance, but that airplane blinked and we heard it, and it was under them."
The video recording was viewed at a Slovak meteorologic institute in Bratislava, and they do not know how to explain it. Meteorologist say that the phenomena is not connected with a weather phenomenon. The night was clear, temp. cca 12 deg. C, light wind in Trencin.
2008 Jan 8 - Kazakhstan - UFO Allegedly Splashed Down In Pavlodar
PAVLODAR, Kazakhstan
An unidentified flying object might have fallen in the Belaya river in the May district in the Pavlodar region, northern Kazakhstan, a source with the regional emergency situations department told Interfax referring to an eye-witness. The chief of a local police department saw a shining flying object falling in the river in the early hours of January 5, the source said, adding that the policeman reported about it to higher authorities
According to the emergency situations department, divers examined a 15-meter air hole and officers of the local sanitary and epidemic office took water samples. Divers plunged four times, but no objects were found. Water samples are normal, the department said.
Meanwhile, Lyubov Rybalko, an ufologist and the head of the Asur public organization, told Interfax that an UFO cannot fall. They "can either land or pass through the Earth like through air." It is possible that an UFO splashed down in the Belaya river, the ufologist said.
2004 July 20,30 - Turkey - Police videotape UFOs On Two Nights
Mehmet Baydogan, deputy chief of police for the city of Mersin in southeastern Turkey reported that police officers captured an 'unidentified flying object' on video near the Mersin Free Zone. Deputy Chief Baydogan explained at a press conference in the Mersin public auditorium Tuesday morning July 27, 2004, that they received calls about the UFO sighting near the Free Zone Motorway Bridge, and officers from Turkey's Bureau of Investigation and Identification arrived at the scene in question. Baydogan stated that at between 4 a.m. and 5:30am his officers recorded the unidentified flying object with a video camera. It was mostly crimson-coloured, with tones of yellow and green. Its shape was round/circular, and it was constantly moving and radiating light. Baydogan added that after daybreak, the object ascended and vanished in the sky, and that they had never before experienced an event of this nature. The video has been sent to the Sirius Space Sciences Research Centre in Istanbul and to the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Association (TUBITAK) for analysis.
On Friday, July 30, 2004, Deputy Police Chief Suleyman Ekizer of Mersin announced that his officers had recorded yet another luminous UFO over the ATAS refinery, at a press conference held at the Security Department, Ekizer explained that an unidentified object in the sky over the ATAS refinery was reported to the information center at about 3:30am that Friday. He also stated that the Bureau of Investigation and Identification team sent to the place in question recorded the unidentified flying object on video camera. Ekizer stated, "For the second time, we captured on video an unidentified flying object. Officials reported that this round/circular luminous object had a crimson colour, as well, with yellow/green shades, and was constantly in motion, and was observed in the sky for two hours. However, this footage is not as clear as the previous one,' He also stated that the second object ascended, going out of sight at 5:24 a.m., and that the (video) footage will be sent to TUBITAK to be studied.
(Haktan Akdogan, president of Sirius Space Sciences Research Centre)
(Esem Sekerkarar, MUFON representative for Turkey)
2002 Jul 5 - Germany - Police Officers Chase Fiery Red Object
Lübeck, Germany.
Two officials believed at first that it was an aircraft crashing. Polizeihauptmeister Achim Kähler (44) and his colleague Dirk Schöning (39) were on night patrol in Luebeck, when they saw a bright light racing across the sky.
What was strange about it was that the fiery object flew at such speed that it could not be caught by the chasing police auto. A restaurant worker in Canal Street was astonished when he looked skyward. "I saw red fire", said Salvatore Cairoli. The object flew apparently controlled towards Travemuende, before it turned off to the right and disappeared.
The operations center immediately made enquiries with the air traffic control in Bremen and with the air base of the German Federal Armed Forces in Jagel about low-altitude flights above Luebeck - nothing! When officials stated that the UFO was in reality a small hot air balloon from a party, which flew 500 meters above the city, nobody in Lübeck believed it: "Our" UFO must have been something much more astounding.
(Hamburger Morgenpost, Germany, on July 6, 2002)
1996 Jul 8 - Romania - Two Officers Witness UFO Landing and Humanoids
Police sergeant Marian Mancu and volunteer police officer Marcel Rusu were walking on patrol on the main road that passes in front of the police station in the village of Certesti, Romania at around midnight. When the sergeant passed the corner near his house he heard a whistling sound from the street and felt a rush of air. He turned around immediately and saw something on the road that "was splashed with blue and red lights" and made a "voom-voom" sound. Mancu first thought it was the district police car that was coming back from a routine patrol, but getting closer he realized the object was hovering half a meter above the paved road.
There was also a small strange looking figure moving around it. He yelled for Rusu, who was now hiding behind the ditch and watching the strange spectacle from their. Rusu reported that immediately after Mancu had left and gone behind a nearby apartment house, "a fluttering from above appeared". The neon lighting in the street seemed to change in intensity. The object descended slowly, without noise, and came down behind him. Rusu became frightened when he saw the object hovering above the ground, with three small human-like creatures were moving around it. Both witnesses agreed that the object had the form of a flat hut, five or six meters across and two or 2.5 meters high, and it was balancing about half a meter from the ground.Around the periphery of the object was a continuous girdle of light "like a rainbow." The colors changed from red to blue and flared in intensity. On the bottom of the object was a bright white light. Neither of the witnesses saw any doors, portholes, or other similar features. After about two minutes, the UFO rose vertically.
At that moment it moved up to an altitude of about 30 meters its lights became much brighter, and the neon streetlights went out. It then shot off to the east at high speed. Rusu reportedly had a better view of the humanoid creatures than Mancu, who only noticed one of them from behind. He estimated their height to have been around a meter or less. Rusu said he heard some noises made by the humanoids, sounding like "rain in a drain pipe." Both described the creatures as ugly; they had large heads, very elongated behind and covered with bumps, with no hair, and large ears. Their faces were white and they had big eyes. Gray metallic shiny scales, resembling fish scales, covered their bodies. They also had large, limp protruding bellies. They also had thin spindly arms, and no noses or mouths were visible. The witnesses thought that the creatures floated just above the ground and moved around "as if they were drunk." A huge sweet cherry tree nearby had around 15 % of its leaves shriveled as if by extreme heat. Other witnesses in nearby villages reported strange lights over the area the same night.
(Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 340; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, citing Dan D. Farcas)
1996 Jun - Lithuania - A UFO in Vilnius
An unidentified flying object was seen not far from Vilnius and was observed during half an hour by two police officers who launched an alert to all the police forces of the Lithuanian capital. At about 0:30, in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, on the Vilnius-Misdininkaï road, close to the village of Nemajis, the UFO - a round luminous object with shacky pulsations - was stationed 20 to 30 meters above ground-level, according to the testimonies of the police officers. "At the same time, one heard a strange noise similar to electric or electronic crackling," they specified. But when they arrived at 50 meters approximately of the object, it started to move, rose in the air then moved away quickly.
No unusual radiation was measured in the area but it was noted that the tall grass around the area was flattened to a radius of 10 meters.
(Daily newspaper France Soir, France)
(Formerly classified document dated June 25, 1996 and released March 25, 1997 from the archives of the CIA)
(Moscow ITAR-TASS World Service in Russia 0920 GMT, 26 Jun 96)
1996 Apr 15 - Spain - Two Officers Witness Spectacular UFO Display
Valencia de Alcántara, Cáceres
Late at night, two police officers were conducting their nightly rounds driving on the outskirts of the city, when a powerful light crossed in front of them on the highway. One man felt mesmerized by the brilliant outburst of light, while his partner tried to keep hold of the patrol car's steering wheel. When the light extinguished the mesmerized officer told his companion that he felt a very odd sensation of being pulled upward at the same time that he saw two pairs of moist, black oval shaped eyes staring down at him from large, pear-shaped heads.
The police officer had not even been able to comprehend the uncanny experience when the bizarre light staged a return. According to the officers, nine lights identical to the first appeared out of nowhere, and were then joined by three more that came from across the Portuguese border. The twelve lights were elongated and had an intense yellow glow. The lights remained suspended some 100 feet above the highway, prompting the police officers to flee the scene in terror.
(Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case # 2674, citing Scott Corrales, Uncensored UFO Reports # 1)
1995 Jul 25 - Norway - UFO Sighted By Police Officer
West of Stord 11pm
Stord is situated 28 kilometres (17 miles) north east of Espevaer (island) (Espevær), and during a fishing trip west of Stord, Officer Espeland and his brother-in-law witnessed the UFO. According to Espeland, “The elliptical shaped UFO was black-grey in colour. The UFO flew in a descending path – while it flipped two times from side to side. The UFO then levelled off at the same moment it started to accelerate and flew away in a horizontal path. The sighting lasted 3 seconds.”
The UFO was circa 40 metres long, and according to Espeland, he had never seen anything like it before. A TV 2 report contains a drawing of the UFO made by Egil Espeland. (The Stord UFO report starts 5:37 minutes into the video.)
The Hessdalen UFO phenomenon, according to a team of physicists, was determined some time ago to be a natural phenomenon. Clouds of dust from the valley floor which contain scandium are the source of the atmospheric light phenomenon. (the report starts 3:08 minutes into the video.)
(TV2 on Youtube)
(Lagt inn av Al R, Norway (Scandinavia) kl. 20:05 )
1994 Mar 6 - Italy - Policeman Observes Grounded UFO In Mountains
GUARDIAREGIA, Molise mountain.
Two different news reports in early March, 1994, alerted Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici (CISU) members active in Project Aircat in collection and analysis of Italian UFO pilot reports. Both reported that on March 6th in the province of Campobasso, at 16.30, two men were flying an ultra-light aircraft Zenair 70 at 200/250 feet above Termoli, at a speed of about 80 mph when they noticed a small sphere reflecting the setting sun light and moving on a north horizontal path at about the same altitude as theirs, seemingly 6 kms away until the object suddenly disappeared 5 or 6 seconds later. On the following day the local newspaper Il Tempo reported that a mystery craft had crashed on Mount Mutria that same afternoon at around 4 pm and that research teams were still looking for it. Later news items alleged that nothing was found. CISU investigators discovered that helicopters were over the area at night, and the area had been cordoned off by very heavy police and military activity. Locals rumoured some kind of plane had crashed and authorities had it secretly retrieved at night.
One witness, 18 years old Angelo Giambattista, between 2 and 2.20pm that Sunday afternoon was arriving home in Guardiaregia, 730m above sea level and facing Mount Mutria, when he saw a dark object flying from east and seemingly landing onto the mountain, or better bouncing on the snow and stopping as a black spot. He called his father, 45 year-old Franco Giambattista, a policeman and a former airman, telling him a plane had fallen. Giambattista then easily saw two dark shadows on the snow in a ravine about 100 meters below the mountain top (1823m). Through his binoculars he distinguished an oval shape among swept snow, then 20 or 30 meters lower, what appeared to be a 3 to 4 meter-long black "aeronautical fuselage" with a vertical flag and a row of small portholes. He notified emergency services and at 4pm an officer of Carabinieri, the national police, arrived and could also see the craft. The air accident alarm was activated 90 minutes later and the area was cordoned off by Police and Carabinieri, and a Civil Protection team formed by Alpine Rescue volunteers. The fire brigade placed a powerful light beam, and at 8 pm eight volunteers began climbing the wooded mountain in the dark. According to at least four witnesses we interviewed, at the same hour no less than three helicopters were hovering near the impact spot. Unverified rumours even told of two copters having retrieved what appeared to be a missile. At their second attempt, the volunteers got to the mountain top by 1 am and two of them began descending into the ravine, with precise instructions by Carabinieri not to get close to anything they might find, but only report by radio. People at Guardiaregia could see their light beacons in the right place, but they could neither find or see anything unusual, not even broken branches or snow traces, only reporting briefly seeing the occasional light as if from a dim flame. The volunteers remained up until dawn, when a Fire Brigade helicopter retrieved them and flew them over the area. Nothing was found. People down at Guardiaregia, including Franco Giambattista, could no longer see any dark shape on the snow.
(Renzo Cabassi, ITALIAN UFO REPORTER, International Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies, Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici (CISU),
1994 Jul 16 - Germany- Six Officers Watch Huge Disk UFO
Dusseldorf, Germany
10:15 AM. Six police officers saw a multicolored disc-shaped UFO the size of an airliner. The craft had some sort of protrusion, and red and green blinking lights. It was viewed through binoculars.
(Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 16447)
1991 Apr 19 - USSR - Alma-Ata Patrolmen Report UFO Sighting
Alma-Ata, Kazhakstan
A 93 page US intelligence report, based on an event reported by the Soviet Tass reporting agency, was discovered during FoI requestions. It describes how Militiamen sighted a UFO while on patrol in Alma-Ata, capital of the soviet Central Asian Repulic of Kazakhstan, the newspaper Vechernya reported.
Late in the afternoon, while approaching the Kok-Tyube mountain – a recreation area favoured by local inhabitants – the patrolmen noticed a kind of fire at the top of the mountain. They watched the flames go up and down then an array of red rays burst out of the center.
Other militiamen also noticed the strange object. The driver of the patrol car said he and his comrades drove up to the “Flaming Object”, and when they were a mere 200 meters away from the hovering UFO, a few rays swept across the car and it stopped dead. When the militiamen moved towards the UFO, it dimmed it's 'searchlights' and disappeared.
Upon returning to the police station, the patrolmen noticed that non could recall the way back from the mountain. All memory of the passage had been completely obliterated. Radio talks concerning the UFO were recorded on tape. There are impartial witnesses to the event.
(Public CIA Document Collection,
1990 Mar 21 - USSR - UFOs Over Khabarovsk
As reported by the Northern News Service, bright red spheres flew across the horizon and darted above the ice-bound Amur River. In Khabarovsk in the evening of March 21, 1990, witnesses reported that the objects kept strict distance. The policemen who observed the UFOs stated that the objects arrived in force, and tried to video them. The video ran erratically and through interference, and that was how Khabarovsk television explained the flickering and flashing images. Witnesses reported strange objects to the military, the police, and the government officials. One city hospital called for help, as a cigar-shaped object hovered above it causing panic among the patients and staff. A patrol car on its way to the hospital caused the UFO to fly off. According to the Suvorovski Natisk daily paper, an Air Defence spokesman reported that a UFO was reported moving 100-120 meters above ground. It was a black cigar-shaped object 50 meters in length, yet the radars registered nothing.
(Mysterious Sky – Soviet UFO Phenomenon, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 2006, Pg 279-280)
1989-1990 - Belgium - Police Amoung Witnesses To Wave Of Triangle UFOs
In November 1989, near Eupen in eastern Belgium, at least 19 police officers, along with countless civilians, witnessed a massive triangular craft making unusual maneuvers over the countryside, marking the start of the famous Belgium UFO wave of 1989-1990. One sighting, witnessed by an estimated 13,500 people, and tracked on RADAR, sparked an attempted jet interception by the Belgian Air Force which was even made public. If that wasn't enough, the UFO is apparently observed trailing a convoy transporting sensitive nuclear equipment. As host and home to the General Assembly of the United Nations, one would've thought the world would've stood up and taken notice of these remarkable events unfolding over western Europe.
In one report to the European Parliament, 75 police officers are listed as witnesses to the UFO. This event is one of international significance, and one that deserved far more attention than it received.
UFOs – A Deadly Concealment, by Derek Sheffield)
(UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2 – The Coverup Exposed, Richard Dolan. Pg 500-502, 519-525)
1989 Sep 21 - USSR - The Voronezh Incident
On 21 September, 1989, numerous UFOs were reported over Voronezh, including hat-shaped craft, orange-coloured disks, cigar-shaped craft, dark-red spheres that emitted rays, moon-like objects that shone upwards, and a huge craft emitting crooked rays. Among the witnesses were adults, civilian and military people, law enforcement personnel, as well as senior citizens, college students, and children.
The ultimate event that stunned and shocked the soviets and world happened on the 27th December, when a UFO landed in Yuzhni park. A large crowd gathered around the object and saw a large alien about 10 feet tall in silvery overalls, bronze-coloured boots, and wearing a disk on his chest, through the hatch. Two creatures, and a robot, exited the craft before the crowd. A boy screamed with fear, but when the alien looked at him, the boy was unnable to move. The onlookers screamed in terror, and the UFO vanished before their eyes. Some five minutes later, it reappeared with the alien possessing a gun – a tube about 20 inches long. The alien pointed this at a 16-yr-old boy who suddenly vanished. The alien returned into the craft which took off as the boy reappeared. The witnesses were reported in Sovetskaya Kultura newspaper. The children were thoroughly interrigated by the police.
(Mysterious Sky – Soviet UFO Phenomenon, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 2006, Pg 108-109)
1989 Feb 13 - USSR - Massive UFO over Chegem Forest
A sighting was reported by Lieutenant Beslan Shogenov of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs, which took place on February 13, 1989. At 21:30 he noticed a spacecraft falling from the sky. He initially thought it was a burning passenger plane and it flew into the Chegem forest, yet it was ten times bigger than any passenger airplane. It had a pointed nose, a tail and very short wings. Large brightly-lit windows covered the entire side the craft. He counted ten windows. The craft was frighteningly silent and it hovered over the forest for several seconds then the lights went out as if it dissolved into thin air. The total sighting lasted 5-6 minutes. Nearby police witnesses contacted their colleagues in neighbouring republics and they were informed that a super-dirigible had turn on its lights again near Primalkinkij. It flew in the direction of Chechnya and Dagestan, then towards Astrakhan.
Junior Sergeant Artur Aiubov observed similar at about 22.00. '. . . I saw something fantastic in the sky. My impression was that this was an aircraft on fire, but it was moving so slowly and silently, and emitted bright lights like searchlights, trailing a tail as if from a bright red flame.'
Among hundreds of other witnesses who saw the object as it flew over large areas of Dagestan and Checheno-Ingush were doctors, militia personnel, and a Nedetya correspondent, Uri Gergokov.
(Mysterious Sky – Soviet UFO Phenomenon, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 2006, Pg 134.)
(Nedelya, No. 23, 1989, translation Nikolai Lebedev)
1988 Mar 7 – Italy - UFO And Alien Sighted In Northern Italy
Termoli, 6:30pm
Saturday, March 7, 1998, Carabineri (national police) port authorities and local police watched a UFO "plunge headlong" through the sky in Termoli, a port on the Adriatic Sea. The alert sounded at 6:30pm. Police described the UFO as "a luminous object that plunged headlong into the sea with a smoky luminous trail." [1]
Early the following Sunday morning, March 8, in Lombardia, nr Rho, 30 kilometers NW of Milano, a farmer and his wife watched a UFO hovering above their field. He described the UFO as "a white object in the form of an upside-down pear" that "hovered over a field of grain." Midway through the sighting, the couple reported, a hatch slid open, and an occupant emerged. The witnesses described "the alien" as "a being about 60 to 80 centimeters (30 to 40 inches) high, with two huge black eyes." The occupant "floated" in the air close to the object for about ten minutes. The occupant then reentered the UFO, and the object "suddenly rose vertically as it illuminated itself." The case is being investigated by Italian ufologist Giancarlo D'Alessandro of Centro Italiano di Studi Ufologici (CISU). [2]
A similar UFO landing had been reported in nearby Sibenik, Croatia, earlier in the year. [3]
(1. the newspaper Il Resto del Carlino for March 9, 1998. Grazie a Eduardo Russo, Renzo Cabassi, Gian Paulo Grassino, Goffredo Pier)
(2. paoli, Marcelo Pupilli e Giancarlo D'Alessandro di CISU per questo rapporto)
(1, 2, 3.
1986 Jan 29 - USSR - The Dalnegorsk UFO Crash
Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, USSR
At 7:55pm, a reddish ball was noticed by the inhabitants of the town of Dalnegorsk. Eye-witnesses say that the ball was about the size of a half of the moon's disc. Some witnesses describe cigar-like, cylindrical, and spherical. Their flight was noiseless, smooth, at various altitudes. At the time, the eyewitnesses, including the police, did not think the objects were UFO. The impression was that they observed some aircraft, or falling meteorites. While in flight, the objects affected power lines throughout the area. Lieutenant Zhivayev of the Interior Ministry troops described the object he observed as a flame with a lusterless sphere in the front and a reddish ball in the rear. The workers from the Bor Quarry, reported a giant cylindrical object at an altitude of 300 meters. Its fore part was illuminated-like melting metal.
The ball was flying parallel to the ground; there were no sounds accompanying the flight. It was later determined that the speed of the flying ball was approximately 15 m/s (34 mph), and that it was hovering about 700-800 meters above the ground. When the ball reached Height 611, it started to decline and then fell down onto the hill. All witnesses but one say there was no sound when the ball reached the ground. The process of the fall was described differently by eye-witnesses. Some said the ball fell down with a flash and was not visible after that. Others claimed the ball was hovering above the hill giving light of varying intensity as it was going up and down. The light given by the ball was described by some as a forest fire which lasted for approximately one hour.
Three days after the incident, a group of ufologists led by Valery Dvuzhilny climbed the hill. They discovered a landing ground 2x2 m in size (other sources indicate the size of the landing ground was 3x3 m). The ground looked like it was affected by very high temperatures. The rocks on the landing ground were covered with a black film, and remains of a burnt tree were found within the landing ground. The remains were not typical for a forest fire.[citation needed] Some of the rocks had drops of silvery metal, which were later determined to be lead. The type of lead found on Height 611 was different from the lead found in local lead deposits. Also, black glass-like drops and mesh particles were found on the site. In all, approximately 70 g of lead, 5 g of mesh particles, and 40 g of black drops were discovered. The radiation level on the landing ground was normal. The group took pictures of the site using two different cameras; however, the film later developed as blank.
Similar flying balls were detected over the territory of Dalnegorsky, Kavalerovsky District, Olginsky, and Terneysky District of Primorsky Krai in November 1987. One of the balls was noticed above the Height 611 illuminating the ground on the peak of the hill. The descriptions of these balls given by witnesses match the descriptions of the UFO that crashed on Height 611 in 1986. A claim of a UFO landing on Height 611 was also made in 1989. A popular explanation for the Dalnegorsk object is an experimental Soviet spy craft.
1982 Mar 13 - Germany - Police Confirm Close Encounter
near Frankfurt, Germany
Several teenagers attending a disco in Messel, near Frankfurt, Germany watched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the night sky. The first two formations of objects moved slowly, and then hovered. The third group flew fast. At 21:30 a luminous blue domed disc appeared over some woods, and approached to within 100 meters. It was ten meters in diameter, made a humming sound, and had rotating multicolored lights. Police also witnessed the object. The close encounter lasted 20 minutes.
(Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 21)
1981 Apr 15-20 - Italy - Italian Officers Observe Humanoids From Saucer
Catania, Sicily.
At 12:20am, two police officers in their car saw a strong reddish light descending from the sky. The engine and electrical components to their vehicle became inoperative as a saucer about 3m in diameter and 1m in height landed on the street about 50 meters away from their vehicle. A small door opened on the saucer and the witnesses saw two human forms emerge. The figures began gesticulating and jumping around. In the place of their eyes they had balls of light, and there were sparks around their head and hands. The head, compared to the rest of the body appeared to be large. After a few minutes the beings appeared to converse among themselves. Then the entities jump into their saucer and the door closed. A few seconds later the saucer rotated four times then accelerated up into the sky emitting a very loud noise. It quickly disappears from sight. At this point the shocked agents were able to start their vehicle and leave the area.
(HC addendum, Source: CISU, UFO Notizie # 48)
1979 Sep 17 - Germany - UFO Witnessed By 10 Officers
Eichstatt, Germany
12:15 AM. In the Bavarian town of Eichstatt three pentagon-shaped UFOs were seen by many, including 10 police officers. One object hovered at 500 meters, then shot away.
(MUFON UFO Journal, October 1981; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 13306, citing MUFON)
1979 Sep 6 - Germany - Star-shaped Objects Observed For Several Nights
Ingolstadt, Germany
Star-shaped objects were observed for several nights in September 1979 over the city of Ingolstadt. Since that time members of MUFON-CES, the German UFO research organization, have interviewed several flight controllers, a dozen police officers and numerous other witnesses. They have also analyzed photographs and radar recordings that where made on film.
( 653)
(Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES, (1998))
1978 Dec 29 – Italy - Carabinieri Police Photo Triangle UFO
Masone, Reggio Emilia, 4:45am.
During the Italian UFO wave of 1978, several officers of the Carabinieri, the Italian National Police Force, sighted a brilliant triangular object with an intermittent red light coming out of its top. It was photographed by some of the officers and, two hours later, it headed south at an incredible speed, apparently changing shape to a more roundish figure.
(Umberto Visani, “1978: The Year Italy Stood Still”, pg 68, Open Minds magazine #6, Feb/Mar 2011)
1978 Dec 11 - Italy - Trooper Photos UFO
Avellino, Italy
On this afternoon a police trooper in Avellino took a photograph of a round, possibly disc-shaped object that was directing an intense beam of energy at the ground. The photograph, taken from a highway patrol car, shows a black dot on white background.
(Jane Thomas, UFO Newspaper Clipping Service, March 1979, p. 14, citing Cronica, December 12, 1978)
1978 Dec 9 - Italy - Police Spotlight Flashing UFO
Reggio di Calabria, Sicily
At 6:00am, Police watched a multi-colored object with intermittent flashing lights. When spotlighted the UFO seemed to enlarge, then emitted a beam down onto the police car. Five lights came on aboard the object. When the police spotlight was turned off, the lights on the UFO went off as well.
(Sources: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 175 & 351; Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 214)
1978 Dec 8 - Italy - Police Watch UFO Over Road
Portegrandi, Italy
1:30 AM. A seven-meter diameter domed disc hovered over a road in Portegrandi. It had four windows on its side and emitted rays of light. At 2:45 a.m. on a road in Catanzaro, Italy three policemen saw a luminous domed object tilt over the roadway. It shot away from them when they hit it with a spotlight.
(Lumieres dans la Nuit, issues 212, 214; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1978, case)
1978 Feb - Poland - Polish Officer Comes Clean
Silesia, Ornontowice-Chudow, 2am.
"The weather was very nice. The sky was clear and full of stars. The snow layer was relatively fresh. I was probably in the halfway when I stopped on the roadside because a call of a nature.” Suddenly the witness heard a peculiar noise and when after a while he looked up he could see a huge dark object with brighter openings that was flying in the distance.
“When the object was passing by I noticed someone’s silhouette in one of the windows and for a while it seems to me that this person was looking at me. The object was large and at first I thought it was AN-22 aircraft”. He couldn’t see any wings and other visible features of conventional aircraft, couldn’t hear the machine engines sound although he perceive a sound of “cutting the air”.
“At first I thought that it was a hull of some large aircraft without wings and engines that is going to crash amongst the nearby buildings in Chudow.” Because the object turned to be something other that a falling plane, the man continued his way to Chudow thinking about the nature of the unconventional object. According to him “it was impossible for an object of similar size without wings and engines to fly freely because it must crash somewhere in the area”.
1977 Sep 20 - USSR - UFO Showers Light Beams Like Rain
Petrozavodsk, USSR, nr Finnish Border.
The event that broke the Soviet media's silence of UFOs and ushered in the new age took place in the early hours of September 20, 1977. Military personnel at Petrozavodsk saw a large object glowing in the sky at 4am. Unusual brightly luminescient flying objects were observed over the vast area of northwestern Russia and Karelia. Over 170 witnesses included policemen, Navy personnel, aviators, and scientists observed what has become known as the “Petrozavodsk Phenomenon”. Sotzaliticheskaya Industriya newspaper [1] published a detailed report in its September 23, 1977, issue, for which the editor was sacked. That night pilots of an airplane bound for Riga observed a disk shaped UFO and had to maneurver to avoid it. A 20-meter-wide spherical object landed along the Petrozavodsk-Leningrad highway. A bright sphere was witnessed exiting from the rear of a dirigible-like UFO. A lens-shaped UFO was observed over village of Namayeno at 3am. Two glowing spheres were seen over Primorsk at 3:30am. At about 4:00am, a UFO resembling a star, estimated to be over 150 meters in diameter, was sighted over Petrozavodsk. Thin rays of reddish colour fell on the city below, which appeared somewhat like rain pouring down, Novosibirksbut it melted holes in windows. Automobiles stopped functioning. The UFO moved toward lake Onega and hovered over the cargo ship Volgobalt, and then ascended and vanished. A resident reported that a spherical object descended and hovered over Hotel Severnaya. [2] Sotzaliticheskaya Industriya reported that the UFO played with passenger trains. Residents of Petrozavodsk were woken at 4:00am in some kind of nervous shock. The object was observed in areas located up to forty kilometers from Petrozavodsk. Also that day reports of UFOs came in from all corners of the USSR, including Dnepropetrovsk, Yalta, Ochakov, Tbilisi, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, and Atlai. [3]
It then moved west toward Finland. At least 170 people saw it, including police, navy personnel, pilots, and scientists. Troops and police found that their radio frequencies were jammed and their telephones did not work. The phenomenon was observed for 10-12 minutes. Somehow, typical Soviet censorship broke down, and Izvestia described the event in detail.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2 – The Coverup Exposed, Richard Dolan, Pg 156-157.)
(Mysterious Sky – Soviet UFO Phenomenon, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 2006, pgs 75-81.)
(1. Sotzaliticheskaya Industriya)
(2. Analysis of the Petrozavodsk Phenomenon, Chetvertoye Izmeriniye, NLO newspaper, Issue 8, 1997)
(3. Fenomenon NLO, Vzlyad iz Rosii, 1994)
1975 Aug 13 - Denmark - Car Disabled by UFO
In August 13, 1975, near Haderslev, Denmark, a police officer driving home at about 10:50pm found himself engulfed in a bright light. His headlights and engine died, and it became hot inside the car. Shielding his eyes, he reached for a microphone and tried to call his station, but the radio was dead. He looked up and saw a beam of light from an opening a the bottom of a circular object, about 35 feet in diameter, hovering perhaps 60 feet above the ground. He took three pictures of it before it rose straight up and was gone. It had been silent the whole time. The photographs captured a “light source”, and the officer turned the film over to the Danish Air Force. According Richard Hall, no follow-up reports or images are available.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2 – The Coverup Exposed, Richard Dolan. pgs pg 75. para 2.[121])
(Hall, Richard, “Uninvited Guests”, p. 40-41, 281-282.)
1973 Dec 4 - Italy - UFO Shoots Away From Police Cars
Turin, Italy
Thousands of people in this northern industrial city reported seeing a mysterious flying object hovering over the city tonight. The sighting, registered on radar screens at Turin's airport and acknowledged by local police headquarters, was the latest in a rash of reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in northern Italy. "... The object seen tonight, clearly visible to the naked eye, seemed to rest motionless in the air for several minutes and rotated on its axis," witnesses said. Six police patrols were sent to investigate the phenomenon, but as they reached a spot more or less underneath the object it suddenly shot upwards at great speed and disappeared, police sources said.
(Turin, Dec. 4 [Reuter]; Washington Post, Dec. 5, 1973, headline: Thousands in Turin Witness UFO.)
1970 Aug 13 - Denmark - Senior Officer Evald Maarup
On August 13, 1970, Danish senior police officer Evald Maarup was driving back to his home in Knud, using the patrol vehicle at about 10:30 P.M., on a country road connecting Kabdrup and Flestrup, not far from the border enters Denmark and Germany, when something out of the ordinary happened to him. At about ten kilometers in the North of the town of Hadersley, the car became bathed in a very powerful bluish light, and the car engine stopped suddenly. The officer tried to communicate with his police station by means of the car's radio, but it did not function at all. It was if if all the electricity had disappeared of the patrol car. Officer Maarup then realized that the temperature inside the vehicle had increased, and that it continued to increase quickly. In his report, he stated that he had the feeling that one would have during a hot summer sun when it hits a car's windshield. A short moment later, it was obvious to him that the bluish light seemed to be withdrawing. Maarup realized that the light actually surrounded a flying machine of elliptical shape, metallic appearance, and of a diameter of approximately 10 meters, which was now rising in the sky.
Maarup noticed that actually, the rise of the craft was not the only cause of the withdrawal of the light which surrounded it. He realized that the extent of the light around the craft decreased as if the craft was swallowing the light into its body, from a defined point located at the center of the bottom side of the craft, in which the light was engulfed as if it had been sucked into there. This part of the craft appeared clearly delimited to him, by a dark part of a diameter he estimated at one meter. He also saw some protrusion on the underside of the objects (see drawing on the right). At this time, he remembered that he had a Fujaxa camera at disposal, as he is the rule, in the police car. He used it, and managed to take three snapshots of the object. Those, developed the following day, did not show much more than a gleam of light, without revealing any details. After the series of events which Maarup estimated the duration of about five minutes, the craft then flew away at high speed in the sky. During all the events, the craft was totally noiseless.
As soon as the object flew away, the car's engine started again spontaneously, the power went back, so that the lights went back, and the radio functioned again. Maarup then went out of the patrol car, to look for clues or evidence of the event in the surroundings. He found none, but when he touched the car, he noticed that it had become heated. Very remarkably, Maarup had a second sighting almost three years to the day after this first encounter. On July 14, 1973, in the same area and at roughly the same time, he saw a similar shaped UFO above the countryside as it passed over the landscape. Once again he was able to take pictures of the object but once again, all the six pictures were disappointing, showing only an indistinct spot of light. He also saw several dome-like protrusions on the underside of the object.
(UFOEvidence Case ID: 734)
(UFOs at Close Sight,
(UFO-Nyt No. 5 1970; no. 6 1974. (UFO journal published by Denmark's SUFOI) )
(Flying Saucer Review Case Histories No. 1)
(APRO Bulletin, Jan/Feb 1971)
(Phenomenes Spatiaux No. 26)
(UFOE II, Section V)
1830 Dec 26 - USSR - Extrordinary Light Over Orenburg
Various declassified documents of the Russian Ministry of the Interior (Okhrana), 1997, that inherited documents of the Russian Imperial Ministry of Interior dating back to the beginning of the past century, shed some light on UFO observations in the Russian Empire. There is among the documents, a very unusual report to the Tsar from the secret police – the Third Department of the Chancellery. On December 26, 1830, “a certain extraordinary light effect was observed in the sky by the inhabitants, the police and military in the city of Orenburg”. The observations bear a striking similarity to modern UFO sighting reports.
(Mysterious Sky – Soviet UFO Phenomenon, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 2006, Pg 45, 258)
Undated - USSR - Police Chief Pinned Down By Beam Of Light
In an article entitled “Cosmic Ghosts”, in Komsomolskaya Pravda (October 17 1989), stated that the police chief of Voronezh, V Selyavkin, described an experience when a ray of light fell down on him from above. It was bright, powerful, and pinned the chief down to the ground with its weight. Later it moved away and vanished.
(Mysterious Sky – Soviet UFO Phenomenon, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 2006, Pg 184 para 4.)
(Komsomolskaya Pravda, October 17 1989)
French Resources
French UFO FoIA
Gendarmerie Nationale
Site du GEIPAN
Robert Galley
Of Interest - Cheif National Police Superintendent at the Ministry of the Interior, Denis Blancher, was a committe member of COMETA (Committe for In-Depth Studies) which produced the report "Les OVNI et la Defense: A quoi diot-on se prepaper" (UFOs and Defense: What must we be prepared for?) which concluded that the physical reality of UFOs, under the control of intelligent beings, was 'almost certain'. The report was submitted to President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. The report was ignored by the international media, except in France, where it was rubbished by the few newspapers which mentioned it. COMETA states that the extraterrestrial hypothesis for the origin of unexplained UFOs is "by far the best scientific hypothesis."