 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
 The FBI Files – The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed.
 On the Trail of the Saucer Spies.

Open Skies Closed Minds.
 Exopolitics - Political Implications Of
The Extraterrestrial Presence.
US Police UFO Witnesses 1960-69
1969 Mar 10 - UFO Illuminates Police Chief's Car
Westhope, ND
Disc with dome passed overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, II, Section V, A Thirty-Year Report - Richard Hall, 2000,
1968 Sep 20 - Police See Huge Fire Ball
Wichita Falls, TX
Police officer saw a huge ball of fire falling directly downward. Other officers said the ball appeared to be 20' in diameter. NARA document mentions UFO "crash" and references "Moon Dust".
1967 Dec 3 - Sergeant Herbert Schirmer
Ashland Nebraska 2:30a.m. Wits:1 CE4

Sergeant Herbert Schirmer

Nebraska State Patrol
Young Police Sergeant Herbert Schirmer, 22, was on patrol on December 3rd in 1967, and at around 2:30 a.m., in the vicinity of Ashland, Nebraska, noticed some red lights along Highway 63. Thinking that it was a stopped truck he approached and shone his high beams on it. Soon he realized it was no truck. Instead it was a disc-shaped object with a shiny polished aluminium looking surface, and a catwalk that went around it. Red lights, which were blinking, were shining out from windows in the object. The UFO appeared to be a mere 6 to 8 feet above the road, and was hovering in the air with a slight tilt. Then the object began to slowly ascend, making a siren kind of noise, and issuing a flame-like display from the underside. Sticking his head out the window, Sgt. Schirmer watched the UFO pass nearly overhead. Then suddenly it shot up and out of sight. Schirmer then got out of the police car and, with a flashlight in hand, inspected the surface of the road where the object had hovered so low to the ground.
Then he drove to the police station and wrote in the log book, “Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highways 6 and 63. Believe it or not!” He was puzzled to notice that it was now 3am, as the sighting seemingly lasted no more than ten minutes. As the morning wore on, Schirmer was to suffer a headache, a “weird buzzing” in his head, and would discover that he had a “red welt” on his neck. It was about two inches long and approx. half an inch wide, and was located on the “nerve cord” below one of his ears. Later, hypnosis was arranged for the disturbed young Schirmer, where he would recall how humanoid beings, between 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall, escorted him from his car and into the ship, where the “leader” gave him a tour and explained various things about themselves and their mission on earth. A wealth of detail was provided about the occupants, their motives, and their craft.
(Hall, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 389-91; Story, 1980, pp. 318-19.)
(UFOs and the National Security State, pg 341-342, Richard Dolan)
(, “1967 Alien Abduction Case of a Nebraska Police Officer”, case ID 659)
1967 Nov 19/20 - Officer-Pilot Witnesses Circular UFO
Burlington County, New Jersey
Bt. 3:30-4:00 a.m. EST. A police officer, who is also a private pilot who has tracked aircraft with NORAD, saw a bright circular object about 50 feet in diameter that traveled under the cloud deck at an estimated 1,000 mph.
(NICAP, Letter,
1967 Nov 8 - Officer Pursues UFO That Chased Couple
Charleston, South Carolina
At 4:00am EST, a policeman saw a bright oval light with a red light on one end. It hovered at low altitude, moved back and forth (maneuvered), then disappeared. The officer tried to close in on the object but could not. He had just finished talking to a couple who claimed an object had followed them.
(NICAP, Unidentified newspaper clipping,
1967 Oct 30 - Officer Watches Hemispherical UFO
Holland, MI
AT 4:00am EST, a policeman saw a bright orange half-moon (hemisphere) shaped object that was three times the size of the moon. The object hovered, but moved off when the witness approached, disappearing behind trees. It reappeared briefly and then moved out of sight.
(Holland Sentinel, 10/30/67)
1967 Oct 27 - Officer Witnesses Car Being Paced By UFO
Parshall, North Dakota
At 3:00am CDT (4:00am EDT), a waitress driving home saw a large, round, revolving object with alternating triangular areas of coloration. The object was low and moving horizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paced her car, she saw 2-3 white streaks of light (light beams) coming down vertically from the object. Her car gave the impression of having flat tires or of having rocks hitting the bottom of the chassis. A second witness, a police officer, saw a low-altitude, bright round light like a welding-torch which illuminated the ground. The object moved slowly with vertical oscillations, and changed color from blue to green-white. It departed vertically, disappearing in 5 seconds. 9Parshall, North Dakota, is located near the (H) Hotel Flight Launch Facilities Minot AFB ICBM Complex)
1967 Oct 22 - Two Groups Of Police Witness Cylindrical UFO
Milledgeville, Georgia
Night. Two groups of policemen about a half-mile apart, while in radio communication, saw a glowing orange-yellow, cylindrical object rise from near the ground about one-quarter of a mile away from one of the groups. The object ascended from a pecan grove between the two groups. One group of police saw the object between them and a higher elevation tree-line about a mile away. The object rose and sped out of sight. Its shape was compared to an old-fashioned water-tower tank.
(McDonald letter, 12/1/68, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.)
1967 Oct 22 - Two Officers Watch Then Pursued By Light
Newnan, GA
At 4:30am EDT, two police officers saw a ball of white light flying at treetop level. They stopped to get a fix on it, then tried to approach it, but it apparently outdistanced them so they turned back. The object then reversed course and began following them. Some sightings during this period appear to have been of astronomical objects, but in this case the object gained on them, caught up, began climbing vertically and emitted a bluish light beam that illuminated the roadway, then "zoomed up into the sky."
(Hitt, 1999.)
1967 Oct 20 - Police Car Followed By UFO
Milledgeville, GA
At 4:36am EDT, two police officers reported that a bright red ellipse followed and illuminated the interior of their patrol car. Later police sightings that morning very possibly or probably were astronomical.
(Hitt, 1999.)
1967 Oct 17 - Police And Others Watch Formation UFOs
Somerset County, NJ
At 9:20pm EDT, a policeman and another man saw red and green lights in a square pattern that glided, hovered, ascended, then divided into two groups which moved off. A popping sound, like fireworks, was heard during the sighting. The object or group of lights once approached when a spotlight was shone at it (light reaction).
(Plainfield Courier-News, N.J., 10/18/67)
1967 Oct 2 - Police Amoung Witnesses to Egg-shaped UFO
Rockford, IL
Time not reported. A policeman, an FAA specialist, and another man saw an unidentified silver-white, egg-shaped object.
(Omaha World Herald, Nebraska, 10/3/67)
1967 Sep 25 - Five Policemen Observe UFO
Toronto, Ontario
Night. Five policemen saw a white light that moved at low altitude over the highway ahead of a pursuing police car. The object suddenly stopped, then veered and accelerated away.
(Toronto Telesram, 9/25/67)
1967 Sep 23 - Policeman Watches UFOs Merge
Mount Holly Springs, PA
At 9:35pm EDT, a policeman saw two lights, one was stationary. The second light moved toward the first, and the two merged. The resultant single light hovered, then divided, with one light moving away and the other remaining motionless.
(NICAP, Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,
1967 Jul 4 - Police Amoung Witnesses To Sphere UFO
Corning, CA
At 5:15am PDT, at least five witnesses from two independent locations saw an odd oblong, metallic-appearing object with a brilliant light on top and a smaller light on the bottom near the front (body lights). Two policemen and a businessman described it as a dark gray flattened sphere with a brilliant light beam on top directed upward, and a smaller and dimmer light on the bottom directed downward. A dark band circled the midsection. Two men north of Corning independently saw the object. The witnesses estimated a diameter of 50-100 feet. At first the object appeared to be hovering, then it moved slowly at a few hundred feet above the ground, finally picking up speed and disappearing from view to the south after being visible for about 10 minutes.
(Corning Daily Observer, 7/6/67, UFO NICAP files; McDonald, 1968b, p. 74, reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, pp. 129-30.)
1967 Jun 21 - Policeman Watches Hovering UFO With Windows
Kenmare, ND
At 10:45pm CDT, three boys and a policeman saw a hovering oblong object that had a row of lighted windows or ports. They viewed it through binoculars for about one minute. Kenmare, North Dakota, is located in the area of the Lima Flight Launch Facilities, Minuteman ICBM Complex, Malmstrom AFB, MT.
(NICAP, North Dakota, NICAP Subcommittee report,
1967 May 11 - UFO Flees Police Spotlight
Wareham, MA
At 2:05am EDT, four witnesses saw two inverted-dish (saucer) shaped objects with rotating lights. The objects hovered, descended behind trees into a bog, bobbed up and down like a yo-yo, and sped away when police shone a light at them (light reaction).
(Fowler, 1974, p. 348.)
1967 Apr 12 - Policeman Amoung Witnesses To Revolving UFO
Hackettstown, New Jersey
Night. Five people, including a policeman, watched a revolving object with a red middle, green lights on both ends, and white lights on the bottom (body lights) for 1.25 hours. The object left a white trail, and it started and stopped many times, becoming all white when not moving (color/motion correlation).
(NICAP report form,
1967 Mar 11-13 - RADAR Confirms Police And Sheriff Deputies Sightings
Tillamook, Oregon
Night. Red, green and white lights were observed in the air by several witnesses including police and sheriff deputies. Radar contact was made in the same area as the visual sightings by the radar station at Mount Hebo These sightings all took place at night. March 11, sightings were observed for one hour. March 12, sightings were observed for one hour. March 13, sightings were observed for four hours and thirty-five minutes. The radar returns showed hovering and rapid movement of the targets. The visual sightings also showed rapid movement of the objects at times. One radar sighting had a rapid distance change from 39 to 48 miles within one minute.
(Project Blue Book)
(Dan Wilson)
1967 Mar 9 - Police And Others Watch Glowing Disk UFO
Savanna, IL
8:35pm CST (9:35 p.m. EST), Police and others saw a glowing disc with flashing red, green, and yellow body lights. The object hovered at first, then moved at high speed. Many other sightings were reported in the area.
(Clinton Herald, Iowa, 3/10/67, copy in NICAP files.)
1967 Mar 9 - Police Officer Photographs UFO
Moline, IL
Policeman spotted two UFOs in the afternoon. Police officer William Fisher said he was riding his motorcycle on patrol when he spotted a boxcar-sized object hovering at about 3,000 feet. He said a second UFO materialized as he watched, and both sped from sight. Fisher took color motion pictures of the objects, one frame of which is displayed at the top of this page.
1967 Mar 8 - Police and Sheriffs Watch Unexplained Aerial Objects
Galesburg, IL
At 7:10pm, CST (8:10 p.m. EST), Police and sheriffs watched unexplained aerial objects of various descriptions through the evening and into early morning of March 9. At 7:10 pm a bowl-shaped object about 35 feet in diameter with thick rim and body lights (bluish-white and pulsating red) was observed through binoculars by Knox County Deputy Sheriff Frank Courson at an estimated 2,000 feet altitude. The object made a hissing sound and emitted a white light beam to the ground.
(Cleveland Plain Dealer, 3/10/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files; United Press International story in various newspapers; Air Force unexplained case, Project Blue Book Files, National Archives. Some date and time discrepancies.)
1967 Mar 8 - Two Policemen See Torpedo-shaped UFO
Goodland, KS
2:00 a.m. MST. A newspaper editor and two policemen saw a torpedo-shaped object with multi-colored flashing body lights that flew irregularly at high speed. The object had bright light beams at each end, and a made a sound like a huge vacuum cleaner. Through binoculars, a central shaft and bands of color could be seen. Many sightings in the area. )
(Wichita Eagle, Kansas, 3/9/67)
(McDonald, 1967, Case 6, reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, p. 205.)
1967 Mar 6 - Former Policeman Watches Flying Saucer
Benton Harbor, MI
At 12:01am, Jerome Wolanin, assistant news director of radio station and former policeman, and wife, saw a round saucer or oval-shaped object with red, green and yellow lights around bottom rim which pulsated red, flying level, E to W, joined by 2nd object from W. 1st object opened top, 2nd came over and hovered for 30 seconds and disappeared. Objects made hissing sound.
(Project Blue Book 11454)
1967 Mar 1 - Police Sight UFOs
Grand Haven, Ottawa County, Allegan, Muskegon, Kent
It isn't often that sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are confirmed by police officials. But Tuesday night, most of the reports were made by police in Southwestern Michigan.
Ottawa County Sheriff Bernard Grysen and five of his deputies were among more than one dozen persons reporting reddish-orange objects in the dark, but clear sky over Ottawa County along the shores of Lake Michigan. Grysen described a reddish-orange object that hovered low over Lake Michigan a short distance from his cottage. He said it moved quickly from side to side before disappearing.
Police officials in three counties bordering Ottawa County, Allegan, Muskegon and Kent, said they had received no UFO sighting reports. One deputy in Muskegon County said he had watched an "exceptionally bright star" for several minutes but added there was movement and no color.
Ottawa Deputy Dave Heerspink reported sighting the object, or objects, at three different times at three different spots in the county Tuesday night. "It looked like a cluster of lights with the centre intensely bright and the outer edges reddish in color," Heerspink said. "It seemed to be kind of oval shaped, more or less."
Heerspink said he was listening on his two-way radio when the first report came in from other deputies. Then he also spotted the object. The deputy said he came in to the station to pick up a pair of binoculars after making his first sighting and then spotted a second one with the binoculars. Heerspink said he saw a plane go by and the object he was looking at "was definitely not a plane."
[See also Canadian cases on this date]
(Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 1 March 1967, Page 37, GRAND HAVEN - UPI)
1967 Feb 26 - Two Policemen Watch Two Flying Saucers
Coshocton, OH
7:45 p.m. EST. Two policemen saw two light-colored saucers of different sizes with associated red flames. The larger object was stationary and the smaller object hovered about it (satellite object). The two objects moved in and out of sight together. Reportedly other residents also had sightings.
(Dover Daily Reporter, Ohio, 2/28/67)
1967 Feb 19 - Two Officers Pursue UFO
Putnam, CT
At 2:00am EST, two police officers saw and pursued a large orange glowing object that moved with a fluttering side-to-side (oscillatory) motion. The object moved fast, hovered, moved slowly, and changed color to pink.
(Worcester Evening Gazette, Mass. 2/20/67, and Hartford Courant, 2/21/67)
1967 Feb 16 - Police Witness Hovering Lightbulb-shaped Craft
Amherst, MA
At 10:15pm EST, three independent reports from five witnesses (including two policemen) of a glowing bright white, light-bulb-shaped object that hovered in the sky, ejected a small red object, moved back and forth, then suddenly accelerated away. A swishing sound was reported.
(Fowler, 1974, p. 344.)
1967 Feb 9 - State Policeman Watches Huge Flying Object
Seymour, IN
At 7:50pm EST, a state policeman saw a huge object, moving slowly, changing colors from white to red to orange, the color change associated with changes of speed (color/speed correlation). Venus was visible separately at the same time.
(Ridge, 1994, p. 21.)
1967 Feb 7 - Officer-Pilot Watches Egg-shaped UFO
Owen County, IN
At 8:00pm, an egg-shaped object was reported by Paul Poorman on a farm near some strip mines. Poorman was a 33-year-old specialized police officer and qualified pilot. The object was white and well-defined, turned to a blood-red color, then a pale blue. It arose from the White River bottoms and strip mine area, hovered, "yo-yo'd", then zipped south then back, etc., then went down below a tree line.
(Don Worley files)
1967 Feb 6 - Police And Rescue Worker Watch UFO
Hazard, KY
At 11:30pm EST, four policemen and a rescue worker saw an object with red flashing lights and blue lights (body lights) that flew very low making a roaring sound.
(Hazard Herald 2/13/67)
1967 Feb 5 - Officer Follows UFO For 10 Miles
Crothersville/Oakland City, IN
At 1:45am EST seven members of a band saw an object that first looked like a boomerang, then appeared like a teardrop. It was a pale greenish-blue color with a cluster of white lights (body lights). The object also was seen by people in another car as it moved northwest.
About 45 minutes later, around 2:30am, in Crothersville, Ind., 135 miles to the east, Richard D. Barker of the Seymour State Police followed a flat-bottomed object that had a brilliant greenish-blue light rotating around it, other white lights, and three flashing red lights (body lights) on the underside. The officer estimated its altitude as about 300-500 feet. After he had followed it for 10 miles, the object hovered, then moved away rapidly and disappeared.
(Ridge, 1994, p. 20.)
1966 Nov 18 - Chief Of Police Witnesses Disk UFO
Hawkinsville, GA
At 9:30pm EST, several witnesses including the chief of police saw a dark gray or black disc, with red, blue, green, and white body lights around its perimeter, hovering silently. It had a length to width ratio of 4:1. After a while the object started to move away, and receded into the distance where six more objects were visible (rendezvous). After 5-10 minutes, the objects suddenly disappeared.
(Hitt, 1999.)
1966 Nov 17 - Footprints Found From Police Sighting Of Beings At Landed UFO
Gaffney, SC
4:00am EST, two police officers saw a round, glowing object with a wide, flat rim around the center resting on the ground. They estimated the diameter to be about 20 feet. As they watched from less than 50 feet away, a door opened and a small humanoid being descended. The observation lasted several minutes. Footprints later were found at the site.
(Phillips 1975, p. 44.)
1966 Oct 23 - Policeman Watches Bright Yellow Oval UFO
Randolph Twp, New Jersey
At 8:45pm EDT, a policeman watched as a bright yellow oval UFO approached slowly at low altitude, then sped away when he shone a spotlight on it (light reaction.).
(NICAP notes,, from newspaper story)
1966 Oct 10 - Police officers Observed Flying Spherical Object
Wanaque, New Jersey
At 9:15pm EDT, Police officers observed a spherical object with a protrusion on one side emitting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the terrain (environmental illumination). The UFO hovered, and moved around erratically at high speeds, making sharp turns and leaving a misty trail in its wake when it moved.
(U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 6; NICAP report, investigation by John Pagano.)
1966 Sep 30 - Police Sight Flying Pulsating Ball Of Light
Anderson, IN
2:00 a.m. EDT. Police sighted a white ball of light surrounded by a bluish-white pulsating glow (halo effect), sometimes flashing red. The object maneuvered, made a sharp turn and flew southwest beneath an overcast, hovered over trees, rose and descended.
(Indiana NICAP Subcommittee report, police department report).
(NICAP report form,
1966 Sep 22 - UFOs React To Police Spotlights
Deadwood, SD
At 3:00am CDT, Police from several vantage points saw a large white hovering object, changing color to green, red, and back to white. When a spotlight was shone on it, the object would black out (light reaction). Two smaller white objects operating independently approached and hovered nearby. The large object bobbed around and emitted light beams toward the ground, and finally sped away.
(Sagan & Page, 1972, pp. xxii-xxiii.)
1966 Aug 13 - Police Watch UFOs Avoid Plane
McDonald, OH
Time not reported. A policeman and others saw a large object accompanied by about 10 smaller objects. When an airplane approached, the smaller objects rushed to the large object, (aircraft avoidance). The sighting lasted 4 hours.
(NICAP notes,
1966 Aug 9 - Sheriff Reveals UFO Encounter and Death of Dog
Richmond, Virginia
On a bright moonlit night of Aug. 9, 1966, Henrico County Sheriff A.D. "Toby" Mathews, 65, later a two-term sheriff, was a road sergeant with Henrico police, livied alone at his farm on Charles City Road in the county's Glendale area, and had just returned home from a psychology class at the former Richmond Professional Institute (now Virginia Commonwealth University). At about 10:30 that evening his German shepherd, tied to a chain out back, began barking loudly, so he went outside to investigate. After turning him loose, Mathews said the dog ran to the edge of an adjacent cornfield, and Mathews looked up to see a saucerlike object hover over a cornfield, up above the power lines about 200 feet in the air.
Mathews described the craft as white and about 30 feet in diameter, made hardly a sound and emitted no light. The object was about 4 or 5 feet wide at its widest point, which was in the middle. He was still in the military reserve, and it didn't appear to be any type of military craft at all. He ran back inside his house to get a flashlight, and when he returned and shined it on the craft, the UFO turned slightly, emitted a burst of light and "took off like a bullet, just tremendously fast."
He rechained the dog and went to bed, and he got up about 5 the next morning and went out to check on his dog. He let it run loose for a few minutes, as was his routine, but the dog didn't come back. He canvassed the area, but the dog was nowhere to be found. When he returned home, he was startled to find his dog lying motionless in the middle of the road just beyond his circular driveway. He was dead. "He didn't have a mark on him -- no blood, no singe [marks], no nothing ... It looked like he almost was sleeping. And whatever killed him, they had taken his chain collar off" and dropped it on the shoulder of the road. He assumed that his dog was killed by whoever, or whatever, was in the UFO.
In December 1996, Mathews told his story to then-Chief Deputy Patrick Haley, later a deputy coordinator of law enforcement accreditation for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, during a Christmas dinner party, which he noted occurred during a time when such sightings were reported with some regularity by Richmond-area residents. More than a half-dozen people, including three other Richmond-area police officers, reported spotting similar objects hovering over the city. One Richmond patrolman, former Officer William L. Stevens Jr. in a July 21, 1966, said in 'The News Leader' that he chased the UFO in his patrol car. Mathews said the city officer who saw a saucerlike object near the State Fairgrounds a month earlier had urged him to notify the news media about his encounter, but Mathews resisted. Mathews was living alone at the time, and there were no other witnesses,.
( case 1073)
(Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia), October, 1999)
1966 Aug 1 - RADAR Operators Lie About Detecting Police UFOs
Prince George's County, MD
12:30 a.m. EDT. Citizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere around the region saw maneuvering, fast-moving lighted objects. When a police officer approached a hovering object that had pulsating red, green, and white lights, it began a series of maneuvers, descended almost to the ground, then sped away "like a shot." Before it sped away, the object emitted a strange multi-colored light beam that moved rapidly to the ground, also observed by another officer. Andrews AFB denied to a County police dispatcher that they had any unknown objects on radar, but the dispatcher said a control tower operator had acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighted object, and he later learned that Andrews did have a UFO on its radar but would not admit it officially.
(U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.)
1966 Jun 24 - UFO Leads Cop on Cat-And-Mouse Chase
Richmond, VA
At 3:30am EDT, A police officer on patrol saw a hovering elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor. The lights were alternately yellow and green. As he approached to investigate, the UFO began moving away, leading him on a cat-and-mouse chase. Finally the object accelerated and sped away. Separate police witnesses observed a UFO in the same general area about 40 minutes later.
(U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 9.)
1966 Jun 13 - Cop Has Second Sighting
Milan, MI
Policeman who saw the object over Milan on March 17 saw another object on the ground at a street intersection. He drove toward it with his headlights illuminating the object, which took off like an airplane, flying away to the SE.
(Project Blue Book)
(Vallée Magonia 773)
1966 May 23 - Campus Police Watch Round UFO Over Field
Gainesville, FL
University campus police saw a round glowing object with outer ring of red lights, and a white flashing light in the center, hover above the athletic field, then fly away.
(NICAP notes from newspaper story,
1966 Apr 23 - Police and Other Watch Elongated Egg-shaped Craft
Randolph, MA
8:40 p.m. EDT. Police and others in a rural lake area sighted an "elongated egg-shaped" (elliptical) object with white lights around its perimeter, colored flashing lights on its underside.
(Fowler 1974, p. 340.)
1966 Apr 22 - Police Watch UFO Circle School
Beverly, MA
Two seperate NICAP reports describe the same incident. At 9:00pm EST, Police and citizens saw three oval, elliptical, or platter shaped objects the size of a large automobile, with 3 red-green-white lights objects flashing blue, green, red, and white lights circling low over the local high school. A humming sound was heard although some witnesses stated no sound was heard. When one of the witnesses raised her hands as if beckoning, one of the objects left the group and approached three witnesses, hovering above them 20-30 ft. It then departed to the SW.
(Project Blue Book)
(Hynek UFO Exp ch. 8, case CEI-5; cf. Condon Rpt Case 6)
(Fowler 1974, pp. 130-36, 340; Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report; McDonald, 1967, Case 5, reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, pp. 204-205.)
1966 Apr 19 - Police And Others Watch UFO Vanish When Aircraft Approach
Sharon, MA
12:15 a.m. EST. Citizens and police called to the scene to investigate saw an oval or egg-shaped object with a glowing rim that looked like lighted windows, and a steady red light on each end. The object hovered, then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance), reappearing after it left.
(Fowler 1974, pp. 128-130, 340)
(NICAP report,
1966 Apr 17 - The Portage County Sightings
Portage Country, Ohio
On April 17, an amazing UFO sighting, high-speed police chase, and possible air force jet interception took place in Portage County, and across the Pennsylvania border. The case involved at least eight police officers and several civilians, incredible air force stonewalling, investigative incompetence, and several ruined careers. The case gained national attention immediately and provided a basis for the police-UFO chase scenes in Spielberg's movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".
The incident ruined the career and marriage of officer Dale Spaur, who was apparently traumatised by the incident and the subject of relentless ridicule. Immediately after the event, he seemed to change. His wife "never saw him more frightened before." He inexplicably became violent and she filed assault-and-battery charges, then filed for divorce. Six months later, he had lost forty pounds, turned in his badge, and was working as a painter while living in a small motel room.
Officer Huston also resigned from the force within a few months and became a bus driver in Seattle. He had been a seven-year veteran. "Sure, I quit because of that thing," he said. "People laughed at me. And there was pressure. You couldn't put your finger on it, but the pressure was there. The city officials didn't like police officers chasing flying saucers." Wilbur Neff wasn't a full-time officer, but he was also affected. His wife said, "I hope I never see him like he was after the chase. He was real white, almost in a state of shock."
(UFOs and the National Security State, Dolan, Richard M., Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc., 2000, 2002, pgs 302-305)
(, case ID 79)
1966 Apr 13 - Police and Others Watch Elliptical Flashing UFO
Kalamazoo, MI
Time not reported. A police officer and other witnesses saw an elliptical object with flashing white lights, alternating red and green lights.
(NICAP report,
(police department form)
1966 Mar 20/21 - Police and Citizens Watch Egg-shaped UFO
Exeter, NH
At 10:00pm- 2:40am EST, Police and citizens saw an egg-shaped object with flashing body lights across the center (red-white-blue-green-red) that hovered over power lines, bobbed around and rocked in a pendulum motion. Through binoculars, a dome-like area was visible on top. The object finally ascended to the east, moved out over the ocean and disappeared.
(Fuller, 1966; Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report.)
1966 Mar 19 - Police Confirm UFO That Paced Car
LaPorte, IN
Dawn, EST. Police and others saw a round luminous yellow-white object with projections on top. The UFO paced a car, swerving from side to side, its light reflected from the hood of the car.
(NICAP notes,
1966 Mar 17 - Police Watch Dome-shaped UFO Pulsate
Ann Arbor and Milan, MI
4:00-7:30 a.m. CST. Police officers saw top-shaped UFOs with green and white body lights. The objects alternately hovered and maneuvered at variable speeds, their luminosity dimming and brightening (pulsating). Two objects operated in unison, circling, looping, and flying in formation.
(McDonald memo to U.S. Air Force, July 22, 1966; U.F.O. 3 Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 6; Hall, 2001, pp. 184-86.)
(Project Blue Book)
1966 Mar 15 - Police Officer and Others Witness Flying Circular Craft
Youngstown, OH
Time not reported. A police officer and other witnesses saw a metallic-appearing circular object with blue lights in apparent portholes along its side. The UFO stopped overhead, trailing two exhaust flames, then shot away to the northwest.
(NICAP notes,
1966 Mar 14-20 1966 - The Michigan Swamp-Gas Case
Washtenaw County, Dexter, MI

Deputy Sheriff Buford Bushroe

Dexter Chief Robert Taylor
From about 3:50am on March 14 and for 2 and a half hours after, Washtenaw County sheriffs and police in neighbouring jurisdictions reported disc-shaped objects moving at fantastic speeds and making sharp turns, diving and climbing, and hovering. At one point, four UFOs in straight-line formation were observed. Selfridge AFB confirmed tracking UFOs over Lake Erie at 4:56am. Details of the incident can be found logged as "Complaint No. 00967" signed by Cpl. Broderick and Deputy Patterson of the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department.
Washtenaw County deputies B. Bushroe and J. Foster formally stated: "This is the strangest thing that [we] have ever witnessed. We would have not believed this story if we hadn't seen it with our own eyes. These objects could move at fantastic speeds, and make very sharp turns, dive and climb, and hover with great manoeuvrability. We have no idea what these objects were, or where they could have come from. At 4:20am there were four of these objects flying in a line formation, in a north westerly direction. At 5:30 these objects went out of view, and were not seen again." Deputy Bushroe told the press: "It would swing back and forth like a pendulum, then shoot upward at tremendous speed, hover and then come down just as fast." Dexter police and Livingston County sheriffs, contacted by Bushroe and Foster, "reported that they saw the same objects engaging in the same maneuvers."
On March 17, at Milan, Michigan, at 4:25am, Sgt. Nuel Schneider and Deputy David Fitzpatrick saw top-shaped objects making sharp manoeuvres. They alternately hovered, rose and fell quickly, darted around at jet-like speed, their light dimming and brightening periodically. In a report to NICAP, the officers stated that two objects were operating together, circling and flying in formation, while a third object hovered at lower altitude.
On March 20, at Dexter, Michigan, at about 8:30pm Frank Mannor and family, and dozens of other witnesses, reported that a domed oval object with "quilted" or "waffled" surface and lights in the center and on each end had landed in a swampy field. Deputies David Fitzpatrick and Stanley McFadden parked by the area and began a search with Frank Mannor. "While in the woods area," their report states, "a brilliant light was observed from the far edge of the woods, and upon [our] approaching, the light dimmed in brilliance....The brilliant light [then] again appeared, and then disappeared. A continued search of the area was conducted, through swamp and high grass, with negative results. Upon returning to the patrol vehicle, the undersigned officers were informed that one of the objects had been hovering directly over the area where our flashlight beams had been seen, and then [it] departed in a west direction of flight, at high rate of speed." As he and other officers were rushing to the scene, Officer Robert Hartwell of the Dexter Police Department saw a luminous object buzz his car. Robert Taylor, Dexter Police Chief, said he watched an object in the field from Frank Mannor's home on a knoll overlooking the area. It appeared as a pulsating red, glowing object. Through binoculars he saw "a light on each end of the thing."
(Project Blue Book)
(Hall, 2001 , pp. 184-86; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 5)
(UFOs and the National Security State, pg 298-301, Richard Dolan)
(FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research), case ID 778)
1966 Mar 13 - Police and Citizens Watch UFOs
LaCross, WI
9:30pm CST, Police and citizens saw two bluish-green lighted objects and heard a beeping noise as if signals were being exchanged between the two. Dogs reacted to the objects (animal reactions.)
(NICAP notes,
1966 Feb 11 - Domed UFO Seen By Police And Citizens
Showhegan, ME
11:55 p.m. EST. A glowing orange object with domed top hovered, maneuvered over the area, seen by police and citizens. The object was tracked on Air Force and FAA radar "making tight turns at a low altitude."
(Project Blue Book)
(NICAP report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan-Feb. 1966, pp. 1-2,
1966 Jan 11 - Police Report Egg-shaped UFO
Wanaque, New Jersey
6:20 p.m. EST. Police and citizens reported first a brilliant light source, then later a bright egg-shaped object that hovered at low altitude, flew in circular patterns over a reservoir, occasionally making abrupt changes in altitude (vertical maneuvers). Sightings continued for more than an hour.
(NICAP notes; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 3; New York Journal-American, Jan. 12, 1966)
1965 Sep 3 - Deputy Sheriffs Bob Goode and Billy McCoy
Damon, Texas

Deputy sheriffs Bob Goode and Billy McCoy make sketches of the UFO they saw while on patrol
('Look' UFO Special 1967)
About 11:00 p.m. on a Friday night, Deputy Sheriff Bob Goode, 50, was driving southbound from Damon toward West Columbia on Highway 36, and because he had suffered a bite on his left index finger earlier that day from a baby alligator, Chief Deputy Billy McCoy, 38, accompanied him in case the pain interfered with his driving. It was a clear moonlit night with Goode resting his arm in the open window when McCoy spotted a bright purple light on the horizon to the southwest which appeared to be about five to six miles away. At first they thought it might be something in the nearby oil fields, such as a drilling rig, but then a blue light, smaller than the purple light, emerged from it and moved to the right before stopping. Both lights remained in this orientation for a while then began to drift upward. This upward floating motion continued until the objects reached an elevation of about 5-10 degrees above the horizon.
Goode watched through binoculars but couldn't discern more detail. They took back-roads to get closer until they stopped, and the lights then suddenly dove towards them, covering the distance in 1-2 seconds, then it abruptly stopped practically overhead. Their car and surroundings were brightly lit in purple and they could see purple and blue lights were attached to opposite ends of a massive object hovering about 150 feet from them at about a 100-foot altitude. In his statement to the Air Force, McCoy described that, "The bulk of the object was plainly visible at this time and appeared to be triangular shaped with a bright purple light on the left end and the smaller, less bright, blue light on the right end. The bulk of the object appeared to be dark gray in color with no other distinguishing features. It appeared to be about 200 feet wide and 40-50 feet thick in the middle, tapering off toward both ends. There was no noise or any trail. The bright purple light illuminated the ground directly underneath it and the area in front of it, including the highway and the interior of our patrol car. The tall grass under the object did not appear to be disturbed. There was a bright moon out and it cast a shadow of the object on the ground immediately below it in the grass." To both men, the object seemed "as big as a football field." Goode felt strong heat from the object on his left arm through his sleeve. After a few seconds, with the object hovering almost directly above, they fled and headed toward Damon, making speeds of up to 110 miles per hour, while McCoy observed the object from the rear window. For 10 to 15 seconds, the UFO continued to hover above then abruptly shot back in the direction from which it had come. "After arriving at approximately its original position," McCoy reported, "it went straight up in the air and disappeared at 25-30 degrees above the horizon."
At Damon the officers calmed themselves before deciding to return to investigate again. This time they took an alternate route, but saw nothing, so they returned to the area where they had first seen the lights, and once again observed the purple light on the horizon and a smaller blue light emerge with a strange two-step motion and float upward. Fearing another close encounter, they fled again. Goode and McCoy continued on their shift until 3-4am, then stopped for breakfast at a cafe. Goode noted that his wound was no longer sore, and when he unwrapped the bandage he discovered that the swelling had gone down and that the wound was nearly healed. On the following day, the wound was practically healed with no scarring. The deputies reported the sighting to Ellington Air Force Base, and Major Laurence Leach, Jr., arrived on September 8, 1965, to interview McCoy and Goode and take a statement. Leach's report to Project Blue Book headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base reflected his puzzlement, stating, "There is no doubt in my mind that they definitely saw some unusual object or phenomenon. Both officers appeared to be intelligent, mature, level-headed persons capable of sound judgment and reasoning."
(NICAP, (Air Force unidentified case, Project Blue Book files 9915, National Archives)
(UFO Evidence Case ID 38)
(Source: FUFOR, U.S. Air Force-Project Blue Book, Donald Keyhoe 'UFOs A New Look')
[For more detailed information, see Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I.R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, NICAP, Washington, D.C., 1969, pp. 7-8; McCoy statement, Brazoria County Sheriff's Department, Sept. 8, 1965; "Ellington [AFB] Probes UFO Seen by Local Deputies," Brazosport Facts, Sept. 6, 1965; Rhonda Moran, "The Night of the UFO," Brazosport Facts, Sept. 13, 1995]
1965 Sep 3 - The Incident at Exeter

Patrolmen David Hunt and Eugene Bertrand, and dispatcher Toland.
(Photo: Manchester Union Leader)
At Exeter on September the 3rd, 1965, at 2am, teenage Navy recruit Norman Muscarello was walking down a quiet country highway, when suddenly a huge object loomed above him. He threw himself to the ground to avoid being hit, then huddled against a stone wall. Officers Eugene Bertrand and David Hunt, as well as dispatcher and supervising officer Reginald "Scratch" Toland, were on duty when the teenager came to the police station with his claim of a UFO sighting. Earlier in the night, Bertrand had already come upon a lone woman parked on the side of Route 101 two miles outside Exeter, who had claimed she saw a huge silent red and brilliantly glowing airborne object that had chased her from the town of Epping about 12 miles away. It had been only a few feet from her car before it departed at a tremendous speed before disappearing. Toland also spoke to the woman, who told him she had been chased by a "low-flying, large, round object with flashing red lights." An hour later, Bertrand received a call from Toland to report back to the station immediately because "a kid had come in who had seen a UFO."
The officer retreived Muscarello from the station and was led back to the site. After parking the cruiser for several minutes, Muscarello shouted, "Look out, here it comes!" and they watched a luminous object rise from behind tall evergreens. The craft, about 100 feet away, silently sped so close to Bertrand that he dropped to the ground and drew his service weapon. "There was this huge, dark object as big as that barn over there with red flashing lights on it," Bertrand later told an investigator. "It barely cleared that tree right there, and it was moving back and forth... It seemed to tilt and come right at us. Norman told me later that I was yelling, 'I'll shoot it! I'll shoot it!' I did drop on one knee and drew my service revolver, but I didn't shoot." Bertrand dragged fear-frozen Muscarello back to the cruiser from where they saw the object with no tail, no wings and no sound. Already en route, Hunt arrived within minutes and saw the UFO as it "floated, wobbled and did things that no plane could do" before it departed towards Hampton. They returned to the station and wrote their report. Toland received a call shortly after from a Hampton telephone operator who said that a distressed motorist attempted to contact the police from a pay phone. He yelled at the operator, saying he was being chased by a flying saucer that came right at him and that it was still out there, before he was disconnected.
A Hampton Police Department's blotter entry for that night reads: "September 3, 1965: 3am. Exeter Police Department reports unidentified flying object in that area. Units 2, 4 and Pease Air Force alerted. At 3:17am, received a call from Exeter operator and Officer Toland. Advised that a male subject called and asked for police department, further stating that call was in re: a large unidentified flying object, but call was cut off. Call received from a Hampton pay phone, location unknown." The official report to Project Blue Book from the director of administrative services of the Pease Air Force Base at Portsmouth concluded that "At this time, have been unable to arrive at a probable cause of this sighting. The three observers seem to be stable, reliable persons, especially the two patrolmen. I viewed the area and found nothing in the area that could be the probable cause." Bertrand, an Air Force veteran, described the object as a "huge, shapeless object with five sequentially pulsating-from-left-to-right bright red lights, so bright you couldn't look at it."
The Pentagon persistantly denied the sightings, but the incident was read into the congressional record in April 1966 by Raymond Fowler, representative of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena in Washington. It was the first open congressional hearing on UFOs. Renowned UFO researcher and author, Fowler related, "Muscarello's mother purportedly saw confidential drawings of a UFO landing site pattern that was handcuffed to an Air Force investigator who visited her house. The neighboring farmer was instructed by the Air Force to plow under landing marks in his field. The hens in the neighborhood stopped laying eggs. The air-base intelligence officer was seen buying up all the newspapers carrying stories about Sept. 3. A base commander was seen in civilian clothes rather than uniform while investigating," he related. Because of the viability of the testimonies of those involved on the night of Sept. 3, 1965, and because of Fowler's testimony into the Congressional Record in April 1966, the United States Air Force admitted that the Incident at Exeter involved an unidentified flying object.
(Book, The Incident At Exter John G. Fuller.)
(The Portsmouth Herald (Portsmouth, NH), Sept. 2, 2005)
(UfoEvidence Case ID 426, "UFO Sighting Terrified Locals 40 Years Ago", By Bonnie Meroth.)
(UFOs and the National Security State, pg 287-290, Richard Dolan)
1965 Aug 2 - Two Deputy Sheriffs Bright UFO
Tarrant Counry, Justin, Wagle Mountain Lake, Texas
Two Tarrant County deputy sheriffs saw an object as bright as burning magnesium, land as they patrolled near Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by police found no traces.
(Vallée Magonia 667)
(Project Blue Book)
1965 Jul 31 - Air Force Track Police UFO
Wynnewood, Oklahoma
At 1:05 a.m. local time, Wynnewood police officer Lewis Sikes reported an unidentified flying object NE of Wynnewood. A little later simultaneous radar fixes were obtained at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City and Carswell AFB, Fort Worth, Texas. Both Tinker AFB and Carswell AFB tracked the object to a point 15 miles SW of Tinker AFB when it disappeared. A few minutes later, it was tracked to a location 29 miles south of Tinker when it was lost again.
(Dan Wilson)
1965 Jul 8 - Police Lieutenant Watches Hovering UFO
Sunnyvale, CA.
Police lieutenant and officer saw hovering white object that undulated, darted here and there, zigzagged, and sped away.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence II, Section V,
1964 Dec 4 - RADAR Confirms Police UFO Observation
Baker, Oregon
At 4:50 a.m. local time, a glowing round object that had the apparent size ranging from a baseball to a basketball at arm's length and was seen by at least 4 observers, Harold H. Eves TSGT Radar Operations Crew Chief , a city policeman, Donald H. Stinett 821st Radar Squadron, and Vernon W. Meador 821st Radar Squadron AC&W Operator. Observations were made with binoculars and a surveyors scope, and there were also radar returns observed on an AN/FPS-35 Search Radar. Length of observation was approximately 2 hours. Some observers saw from 3 to 4 objects.
(Project Blue Book)
(Dan Wilson, McDonald list)
1964 Aug 1-3 - Thousands Watch Formations in the South
Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas
Shortly after pm on August 1st, police squadrons in Oklahoma reported seeing diamond-shaped formations of UFOs for more than half an hour, moving northerly and changing colours from red to white to blue-green. In Oklahoma City, a police dispatcher said headquarters had received over 35 calls between 8 and 10pm. A police officer in Wynnewood, Oklahoma, reported a 45 minute UFO sighting, which was captured on radar by Tinker and Carswell Air Force Bases. The Weather Bureau at Wichita said it tracked objects south and west of Wellington. Observers described the objects as red, which "exploded in a shower of sparks and at other times floated like a leaf." Even the New York Times reported the sightings.
On the night of August 2-3, tens of thousands of people from South Dakota to the Mexican border watched formations of brightly coloured lights speeding through the skies, occasionally stopping for a few seconds. The sightings at times were awe-inspiring, changing formation, speed, colour, and size. According to state police reports, many of the objects were tracked on civil and military radars. In the Minneapolis area, fifty police and sheriff squad cars radioed and reported UFOs between 12:20 and 2:20am. Several objects were photographed.
Two deputy sheriffs in Justin, Texas, saw a very bright object land while they were on a patrol near Wagle Mountain Lake. The police investigated but found nothing. During the following morning, Los Angeles County Highway Accident Investigator Rex Heflin took four clear Polaroid photographs of a hat-shaped UFO near a lonely stretch of road near Santa Ana, California.
(UFOs and the National Security State, pg 285-286, Richard Dolan)
1964 May 17 - Responding Police Witness UFO Dart Away
Tipton, Indiana
10:15 p.m. Citizens and police officers called to the scene, witnessed a UFO. The reddish object appeared round while hovering, then darted across the sky and appeared flattened while in motion.
1964 Apr 24 - Sergeant Lonnie Zamora
Socorro, New Mexico

Sergeant Lonnie Zamora
The case of Police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora is a hallmark case in UFOlogy. In April 1964, Zamora happened upon three small childlike humanoid figures moving about an egg-shaped craft on three legs in a gully, who, upon seeing Zamora, scuttled into the craft which then took off in a burst of blue flame and moved off silently parallel to the terrain. The event scared Zamora to the point of panic. Together with State Police Sergeant Sam Chavez, the two found a half burned bush, four angular impressions in the sandy soil where the "legs" had been, and several small footprints and other impressions, before other authorities thoroughly investigated and studied Zamora’s claims.
Over four decades later, in late 2009, fresh information surfaced over the Zamora case, following his passing from a heart attack on November 2, 2009. In 1964 Zamora made an oath to FBI investigators to not reveal the true nature of a symbol he saw on the craft, however his personal notes on events revealed the true symbol (Ray Stanford). Further information came from staff at New Mexico Tech, nearby to Socorro, which suggested that Zamorra had been pranked by college students, (InterAmerica), although the methods incorporated remain highly speculative.
( Case ID 90)
[See also documentary on Youtube]
(KRQE News 13)
(UFOs and the National Security State, pg 273-277, Richard Dolan)
1963 Sep 26 - Disc-shaped UFO Seen by Police and Others
Sunnyvale, California
During the early morning of September 26, 1963, a UFO was sighted by people in scattered locations around the San Francisco Bay area. Officer Galen Anderson of Sunnvale Police Dept. observed the UFO for 45 seconds and submitted a particularly detailed report. This object appeared larger than a full moon, according to Officer Anderson, about basketball size at about 8 feet away, and described as a gray disc with central bright spot.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VII,
( case 645)
(NICAP / Richard Hall, 1964 (reported in San Jose Mercury News and SF Chronicle) )
1962 Oct 25 - State Police And Dispatcher Watch UFO
Delta, Colorado
Police dispatcher saw round glowing object from radio room window. State patrolman and Cedaredge Marshal observed two UFOs "like an inverted umbrella with a number of bright, tail-like appendages."
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VII,
1962 Sep 28 - Police From 7 Counties Report UFOs
Seven counties near Hawthorne, New Jersey
Police from seven counties reported seeing UFOs between 2:30 and 3:30 a.m. Most reported three objects which changed color.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence,
1962 Sep 15/21/24 - Disc Lands in Reservoir
Oradell, New Jersey
A series of New Jersey police sightings after a reported disc landing in a reservoir. The action began on September 15, when two shiny discs were seen by multiple independent witnesses. On September 21, four Hawthorne police officers watched a device with two beams like headlights. Just after midnight, September 24, the same or a similar device was seen over the quarry by over a dozen Hawthorne police officers and the chief reporter of the N. J. State Press, George Della Penta.
(Project Blue Book 1833)
( case 796)
(, NICAP UFO Investigator, Oct/Nov 1962)
1962 Sep 18 - Six Police Sight UFO
Northeast Ohio
Six policemen sighted UFOs about the same time. One hovering object, two maneuvering.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VII,
1962 Sep 18 - Two Police Report Huge Flying Object
Westwood, New Jersey
At 4am, two policemen reported a 7-8 second observation of a huge object, round at the top and tapering to a cone. 4:45 a.m.; Two Oradell policemen reported a brilliant light in the sky.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence,
1961 May 20 - Jet Scrambled on Police UFO
Tyndall AFB, Florida
At 2:50am local time, a round rusty-orange colored object was observed near the Drone Launching Area. The object moved up and down and would gain altitude rapidly. The object seemed to float. Four Air Policemen saw the object. RAPCON was painting the target that the Air Police at the launching site had called in. An F-102 fighter was scrambled to run on the object. The object was traveling at 2-4 mph and then up to 45 mph. The fighter was getting a sporadic paint on radar. A helicopter was scrambled due to the slowness of the object. An AF GCI radar also tracked the object between 2,000 and 10,000 feet. Total time of observation was approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes.
(Project Blue Book)
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, III; 85 pages of documents by Dan Wilson,
1961 Jan 21 - Police Witness USO Explode & Fall Into Lake
Michigan & Illinois, Lake Michigan, 5:40pm.
Many people, including police officers, watched an object which appeared to explode and fall into Lake Michigan.
(Invisible Residents, Ivan T. Sanderson, pg 229)
(Benton Habor News Palladium, 22 January 1965; Chigago Tribun and Manitowac Herald)
1961 - Huge Disk Over Parking Lot
San Francisco
Jim Mead, now a retired LA police officer, was in a suburb of San Francisco serving as a night watchman at Montgomery Warn store. It was late at night and over the parking lot appeared a huge disc hovering with bright lights. There was no sound and it was silent. It hovered for awhile and then went straight-up, sideways and disappeared.
Mead feels changed by the event, who later became a L.A. police officer and then a psychologist before retiring, feeling more alive and as having a sixth sense.
1960 Aug 13-18 - Police Confirm UFO Wave
There was a concentration of UFO sightings, mostly in north of California, including many police witnesses.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, XII,
1960 Aug 13 - Red Bluff Incident
Red Bluff, California
California Highway Patrol Officers Charles A. Carson and Stanley Scott were on patrol when they sighted what they thought was an airliner about to crash. When the UFO had descended to about 100 or 200 feet altitude it suddenly reversed direction and climbed to 500 ft. IT was described as round or oblong surrounded by a glow and having definite red lights at each end. They continued to watch the UFO as it performed "unbelievable" aerial feats. Each time the object neared them, they experienced radio interference.
"We made several attempts to follow it, or I should say get closer to it, but the object seemed aware of us and we were more successful remaining motionless and allow it to approach us, which it did on several occasions.Each time the object neared us, we experienced radio interference. ... The object was shaped like a football, the edges, or I should say outside of the object were clear to us...the glow was emitted by the object, was not a reflection of other lights".
The officers radioed the Tehama County Sheriff's Office and asked Deputy Clarence Fry to contact the local Air Force radar station at Red Bluff. Deputy Fry reported back that the radar station verified that an unidentified object was visible on radar.
(Project Blue Book)
(Hynek UFO Rpt pp. 92-94)
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VII, (1964),
( case 107)
(Loy Lawhon,
1960 Jul 24 - State Police See Dumbell UFOs
Portville, NY
1960 Apr 13 - State Police Encounter Highly Maneuverable UFO
Red Bluff, California
State Police encounter with highly maneuverable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, V,