 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
Miscellanous Police UFO Witnesses
2012 Aug1-Oct 15 - India - UFO Sightings In Ladakh Spook Soldiers
Units of the Indian Army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) have reported Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOS) in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. An ITBP unit based in Thakung, close to the Pangong Tso Lake, reported over 100 sightings of luminous objects between August 1 and October 15 this year. In reports sent to their Delhi headquarters in September, and to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), they described sighting "Unidentified Luminous Objects" at day and by night. The yellowish spheres appear to lift off from the horizon on the Chinese side and slowly traverse the sky for three to five hours before disappearing. These were not unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), drones or even low earth-orbiting satellites, say Army officials who have studied the hazy photographs taken by ITBP.
Such lights have been sighted before in Ladakh, a barren, 86,000 sq km heavily militarised zone wedged between Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir and Chinese-occupied Aksai Chin. The persistent sightings by the ITBP this year, however, worried the Army's Leh-based 14 Corps. In September, the Army moved a mobile ground-based radar unit and a spectrum analyser-that picks up frequencies emitted from any object-to a mountaintop near the 160-km-long, ribbon-shaped Pangong Lake that lies between India and China. The radar could not detect the object that was being tracked visually, in dicating it was non-metallic. The spectrum analyser could not detect any signals being emitted from them. The Army also flew a reconnaissance drone in the direction of the floating object, but it proved a futile exercise. The dron reached its maximum altitude and lost sight of the object.
In late September this year, a team of astronomers from the Indian Astronomical Observatory at Hanle, 150 km south of the lake, studied the airborne phenomena for three days. The team spotted the flying objects, Army officials say, but could not conclusively establish what they were. They did, however, say that the objects were "non celestial" and ruled out meteors and planets. None of the experts from the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO)-in charge of technical intelligence-and Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO), has been able to identify the objects. This has caused embarrassment rather than fear in the establishment. "Something is clearly wrong, if our combined scientific resources can't explain the phenomena," says a senior Army official in Delhi. Intelligence officials say these objects could be a crude psychological operation by China, or sophisticated probes attempting to ascertain India's defences in Ladakh.
"We can't ignore these sightings. We need to probe what new technology might have been deployed there, says former Indian Air Force (IAF) chief Air Chief Marshal (retired) P.V. Naik. In 2010, the IAF probed and dismissed Army sightings of such luminous objects as Chinese lanterns. UFO sightings have been endemic to Ladakh over the past decade. In late 2003, 14 Corps sent a detailed report on sightings of luminous objects to Army headquarters. Army troops on posts along Siachen had seen floating lights on the Chinese side. But reporting such phenomena risks inviting ridicule. When told about them at a northern command presentation in Leh, the then army chief, General N.C. Vij, had angrily dismissed the reports as hallucinations.
There is still no explanation, however, for what is believed to be the clearest UFO sighting yet, in the Lahaul-Spiti region of Himachal Pradesh less than 100 km south of Ladakh in 2004. A five-member group of geologists and glaciologists led by Dr Anil Kulkarni of the ISRO's Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad were on a research trip through the barren Samudra Tapu Valley. They filmed a fourfoot tall robot-like figure, that walked along the valley, 50m away from them. The humanoid object then rapidly became airborne and disappeared. The encounter lasted 40 minutes. It was seen by 14 persons including the six scientists. Kulkarni then interviewed each expedition member separately to verify what the team had seen. Copies of his detailed report were circulated to the PMO, ISRO, the Army and several intelligence agencies. Kulkarni established his team hadn't seen natural phenomenon. The matter, however, was buried soon after. Sunil Dhar, who was part of the 2004 expedition, terms the sighting of the unidentified object an unforgettable experience. Locals, he says, have reported sighting mysterious objects for many years. These are unsolved mysteries that need more intensive study, he says. Left unexplained, the Ladakh sightings risk slipping into the crack between fact and science fiction.
(Sandeep Unnithan)
2010 Dec 14 - India - Police Battle UFO Over Indian Village
Madhya Pradesh
A village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh was damaged by what has been described as a laser beam during a UFO attack. Locals described a giant rotating blue craft hovering over their village for over fifteen minutes before shooting the laser at a rooftop, setting it alight. Police were called in response to the event and in one case opened fire at the UFO which zoomed off unharmed. Local law enforcement agencies confirm that 24 hour patrols are now active in and around the affected village of Sanalakedha.
the event which occurred on Tuesday 14 December of this year had locals talking all Wednesday; many fearing more attacks.
The attack occurred in the vicinity of the Namada valley where ancient paintings of aliens and UFOs were recently found in a cave hidden in thick jungle. This is also the area where a Government minister recently admitted he saw a UFO. Many Indian scientists are now certain that a UFO/alien base exists in the area.
(Michael Cohen,
2010 Jan 19 - Turkey - UFO Seen and Photographed By Police Officer
Bursa Isnik, Lake Isnik
Police officer Mr Serrafatin Solak in the town of Bursa Isnik in Turkey was inspecting an area surrounding Lake Isnik when he saw a disc shaped UFO silently flying above the water and he was able to get a photo of the UFO with his mobile phone.
2009 Mar 6 - South Africa - Officers Film Formation of 23 Lights
Aerorand/Middelburg Wits:Inspectors Chris Gatzonis, Awie Labuschagne
Twenty three lights moved steadily in the night-sky of Witbank, South Africa on Friday March 6 2009, and scores of residents in nearby Middelburg also saw them. They called in the police, who filmed the odd formation of lights on their cellphones. Mrs Hetta Malan of Middelburg was one of the many Middelburg residents who spotted the formation that Friday-night. It was moving steadily towards the nearby mining town of Witbank, she told the Afrikaans-language newspaper Beeld.
Police inspectors Chris Gatzonis and Awie Labuschagne of the Middelburg police station filmed the lights, although the images on their cellphones were poor. "We were on active duty and driving across the bridge at Aerorand in Middelburg. First we saw five orange lights, moving in formation going in the direction towards Witbank. Later only two were left. Then the clouds moved in front of them and we lost sight of them," said Chris Gatzonis.
This was not the first time strange lights were spotted. The previous weekend, the two police officers saw similar lights again, this time counting a pattern in formation of 23 lights coming back from Witbank.
(cellphone video - (in Afrikaans),
2000 May 8 - South Africa - Police Watch UFO Over Freeway
On 8 May, 2000, at 3:24am, police inspector Kriel claimed to have observed an approaching UFO while travelling on the N3 freeway, 70km north of Warden in the eastern Free State province. The orange, oval-shaped light was fitted with two cupolas, one above and another below, and was wide enough to cover four lanes of the freeway. After a close approach the craft receded again. A follow up report claimed that the vicinity is known for moving light apparitions.
(Liebenberg, Dries (2000-05-09). "Polisievrou séker sy sien vreemde lig". Beeld newspaper. p. 3.)
1997 Oct 27 - Location Unknown - Police Officer Observes Unknown Craft
1996 Aug 28 - South Africa - UFO Chase Involves Over 200 Officers
A UFO appeared over Erasmuskloof, a suburb of Pretoria, at 4 a.m. on Wednesday, August 28, 1996, a story broken on August 28 in a news report by the South African Broadcasting Co. (SABC-TV) in Johannesburg. Police Sgt. Johann Becker told SABC-TV that the "light was floating in the air. When we went outside to investigate, we realized it was something from another world." He described it as "a disc-shaped object slightly glowing. We also noticed what looked like a red triangular light on the disc."
The sighting took place near the Adrian Vlok police station. At first, when the witnesses called for backup, they were laughed at. But then, as more reports came in from Centurion, South African police responded in force, sending in their Flying Squad (SWAT team), canine unit and mobile units from all over Pretoria. The police watched the hovering UFO for 90 minutes. One officer, Nico Stander, reportedly shot videotape of the object. Meanwhile, the police sent a helicopter to investigate. The chopper was piloted by Col. Fred Vijoen and had four officers aboard. Col. Vijoen was afterward interviewed by SABC-TV, "...a bright light above Mamelodi, a township near Pretoria, about 70 degrees above the horizon. It is the first time in my life I've ever seen anything like this. At first I thought it was a joke when I was called out, but soon came to realize that this was something I had never experienced before. We were going after it full speed, and it still outran us. What was very unusual were the undulating motions of the craft. I followed the white disk with the unusual flight patterns in the direction of Cullinan. It traveled at a high speed. We could not keep up with it, and eventually had to give up when lack of fuel became a problem."
Police from Mamelodi, Erasmuskloof and as far as Cullinan were witnesses. The pulsating light contained a red triangle and emitted bright green tentacles, while a radar operator at Johannesburg International confirmed its presence. The chase involved some 200 policemen and a police helicopter. The helicopter chase was given up at 10,000ft near Bronkhorstspruit
(Interview of Col. Vijoien by "Rapport", the leading South African Sunday newspaper)
(Coetzee, Sandra (1996-08-29). "VVV vlug van Pretoria na Bronkhorstspruit". Beeld newspaper. p. 1.)
(Coetzee, Sandra (1996-08-30). "VVV by Pta bly 'n raaisel". Beeld newspaper. p. 3.)
(Pienaar, Antoinette (1996-09-02). "Opgewondenheid oor VVV het nog nie gaan lê". Beeld newspaper. p. 3.)
1995 Sep 15 - Lesotho - Police Help Recover Crashed Flying Saucer
1991 Dec 6 - Israel - Police Follow Boomerang UFO To Border
Beth Shean, Israel, to the Jordanian border
Evening. Israeli police and the IDF followed a boomerang-shaped UFO from Beth Shean, Israel, to the Jordanian border.
(Michael Hesemann, UFOs: The Secret History)
1991 Nov 6 - Israel - Police Chase UFO Till Dawn
Beit She'an, Israel
3:30 AM. A shiny crescent-shaped UFO was chased by a taxi and police east from the city. It flew at an estimated 600 meters altitude, hovered, maneuvered, and made turns around itself. It finally disappeared at dawn around six a.m.
(Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 239)
1979 Apr 19 - Philippines - Police Witness Mothership
Talisay, Philippines
Police witnesses reported seeing a mother ship which later spewed out smaller UFOs, all of which landed in a valley. Military authorities were investigating.
(Manila, Philippines (UPI), May 1, 1979)
1976 Jul 16 - Japan - 7 Police Watch UFO
At about 6:30pm, seven staff members of the National Police Agency criminal investigation section saw an unidentified object that circled over the Imperial Palace, about 400 yards from the police building. The object circled at a low altitude for about 10 minutes, then flew out of sight.
(Agence France-Presse story, Washington Post, July 18, 1976.)
1975 Jul 28 - Zimbabwe - Five Officers Observe Hovering UFO
Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe)
On July 28, 1975, in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe), two police officers drove toward an object hovering 500 feet above the ground, while three other officers watched from the roof of their station. When the two approached, the object moved away. After midnight, a motorist reported, a “big bight light” twice the apparent size of the sun, with an indentation on top, and which followed his car as he drove. The following day, in South Africa at the southern tip of the continent in the city Joubertina, a silvery sphere crashed to Earth, just missing a farmhouse and shattering a hard boulder. Later reports indicated that it may have been Russian space hardware.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2 – The Coverup Exposed, Richard Dolan. pgs 74-75. [119])
(Hall, Richard, “Southern Africa Reports Several UFO sightings,”, Skylook, 10/75.)
1972 Jun 26/27 - South Africa - Police See UFO That Left Damage
Fort Beaufort
On 27 June, 1972, a landed craft was observed near Fort Beaufort in the eastern Cape, which attracted the attention of the military. On-duty police officers in Middelburg were initial witnesses and were still watching the object fly away when the headmaster of the primary school in neighbouring Rosmead, called them to report unusual damage to the school's tennis court. The damage was of such a nature that according to an unofficial UFO investigator associated with the CSIR, "it could only have been caused by an antigravity device." One police officer, a sergeant, reported that he shot a .303 rifle three times at the object. The object was variously described by witnesses as a fireball or metalic oval.
(Breytenbach, Willem (1997-06-27). "Fort Beaufort se VVV". Beeld newspaper. p. 13.)
(Hind, Cynthia (1982). UFO's - African Encounters. Gemini. ISBN 0-7974-0533-X.)
(Brian Vike (2007-08-27). "Breaside Fort Beaufort, South Africa - South African Police Fire At UFO". HBCC UFO Research.)
(American Chronicle. Archived from the original on 2009-06-17. Retrieved 2009-06-14)
(Macgregor, David (1997-07-08). "Farmer shoots at UFO in 1972". Sunday Independent. Archived from the original on 2009-06-17. Retrieved 2009-06-14.)
1970 Jan 30 - Africa - UFO Stops Police Car Headlights
Mrewa, Africa
With three shiny ovals hovering nearby, police car headlights remained off until 10 minutes after UFOs departed.
(Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 16, No.5; See Rodeghier, 1981, p. 48)
1965 Sep 16/17 - South Africa - Disk Leaves Road Aflame
Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit Wits2:Const John Locken, Koos de Klerk
Police constables John Locken and Koos de Klerk were were patrolling the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit road shortly after midnight, not far from the more recent sightings in Middelburg, when the two patrolmen were shocked when their van's headlights illuminated an unusual object on the road ahead of them. Right in the middle of the highway sat a disc-shaped UFO. The patrolmen estimated the diameter of the object at about 30 feet, and it was of a copper color. Within a moment, the disc-shaped object began to rise up from the road, shooting flames from below through double tubes of what the patrolmen thought were engines.
The two men reported their sighting, and in part of the report, Constable Locken said: "Its lift-off was quicker than anything I have ever seen." The men also reported that the flames were three feet tall above the road, and the great heat from the exhaust kept the asphalt afire for a time after the object had flown away. After the asphalt had cooled, the road was blocked off and the area of the sighting more closely examined by a large group of policemen. It was found that part of the road had actually caved in under the heavy weight of the UFO. There was a burned area of about 6 feet in diameter, which would indicate the approximate size of the engine ports.
The official governmental investigation was done by Lt. Col. J.B. Brits, District Commandant of Pretoria North police station at the time. After the investigation was completed, Lt. Col Brits was interviewed by a Pretoria newspaper. He was quoted in the paper as stating: "... the case of the UFO landing was considered as being of a highly secret nature and an inquiry is being conducted in top circles." There were trace element samples taken from the area of the landing, and sent for scientific analysis to the police forensic laboratories in Pretoria -- but the results of these tests were never released to the public.
(NICAP, UFOE II, Section V,
(Hall, Richard (1965-09-17). "UFOs: A New Look (NICAP 1969) )
(Associated Press, Johannesburg)
1959 Jul - Indonesia - Investigator Reveals Officer's Alien Sighting
Alor, East Nusa Tenggara
In an interview with the Jarkarta Globe, UFO investigator Nur Agustinus told of an alien encounter that allegedly occurred in July 1959 in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara when police officer Alwi Alnadad reported seeing six aliens dressed in blue clothes and black boots and carrying gray cylindrical rods. All had wavy white hair and some also wore beards. Alwi also reported that a 6-year-old boy was abducted by the aliens and later released in the middle of a farmyard.
(The Jakarta Globe,
1956 Jan 22 - Korea - Korean Police Call Military
An object described as being about the size and shape of a large washtub, and emitting a blue-gray glow, was seen falling into the water about 50 yards off-shore. It was reported that the object continued for about an hour and a half before it apparently sank into the sea. The Korean National Police arrived at the scene to observe the object and they in turn contacted the US Military Police. Cpl. Ben Elliot an MP on patrol, observed the object.
(Invisible Residents, Ivan T. Sanderson, pg 38-39)
(Norman, Samuel, "Recent UFOs over Japan", Fate, June 1956, pgs 22-24)
1954 July 25 - Zimbabwe - Rhodesian Officer Sees Six UFOs
On the 25th the CIA reported a twenty-minute sighting of six UFOs, almost immobile, in southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Policeman J. H. Flanagan and some friends recently observed six unidentified objects in the sky over Enkeldoorn, South of Salisbury. The objects, which were almost immobile, were visible for about 20 minutes, but disappeared when night fell.
(CIA information sheet. Headline: Unidentified Objects Over Southern Rhodesia)
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 155)
1910 Jan - New Zealand - Officer Sees Cigar UFO And Occupant Speak
At 11:00pm, several witnesses, among them the vicar, the Mayor, and a policeman saw a cigar-shaped object hovering at 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard shouting some words in an unknown language. The opening closed, and the object accelerated and was lost to sight.
(Magonia #38, Stuart 24)