 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
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Ivan T. Sanderson, forward by David Hatcher Childress, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1970, 2005.
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The almost forgotten gem of UFOlogy, originally published over 30 years ago, this brilliant book is now even better. Revised and upated with new illustrations and photographs, it also includes an extensive new forward by David Hatcher Childress. Sanderson reminds us of the hard yet oft-forgotten fact of UFOlogy, which is, most UFOs seem inextricably connected with water - They are very frequently seen entering and leaving water, moving through or above water, and otherwise interacting with water. Sanderson explores all the implications of this, leading him to postulate that most UFOs are actually USOs - Unidentified Submerged Objects, and their pilots, these other intelligences (OINTS), may have evolved alongside of humanity but under the sea.
Amoung the volumes of cases discussed, Sanderson makes at least 9 references to police, particularly to cases in the US and Canada. He too recognised their importance as witnesses. Sanderson examines UFO hotspots around the world, including the infamous Bermuda Triangle and a hotspot off Australia, searching for patterns and clues, and concedes something irregular is taking place in our waters. Even in theory, he admits, deep within the oceans, within the earth, is the perfect place for an inpenetrable secret base.
Drawing from years of investigation and research, reknown Zoologist Sanderson makes a powerful case for the reality of underwater UFOs and underwater bases. Intelligently constructed, written elegantly and with character, Sanderson is a real joy to read. A highly recommended book.
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