 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
 The FBI Files – The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed.
 On the Trail of the Saucer Spies.

Open Skies Closed Minds.
 Exopolitics - Political Implications Of
The Extraterrestrial Presence.
US Police UFO Witnesses 1950-59
1959 Sep 24 - The Redmond, Oregon, Incident
Redmond, Oregon
About 4:55 a.m. (PST). Redmond Police officer Robert Dickerson saw a strange bright light [white ball shaped?] rapidly descending north of the airport then stopped and hovered several hundred [200?] feet above ground for several mins where it lit up the juniper trees below. He drove toward it on the Prineville Hwy then turned toward the airport, when the object turned orange [reddish-orange?] and moved rapidly to [dive and hover?] about 10 miles NE of the airport at about 3,000 ft [height? altitude? Redmond is at 3,000 ft elevation MSL]. Dickerson arrived at the airport to report sighting in person at 4:59 a.m. at Redmond FAA Air Traffic Communication Station. FAA Flight Service Specialist Laverne Wertz, Dickerson and others viewed object through binoculars. FAA station reported UFO to Seattle Air Route Control Center at 5:10 a.m., which in turn reported it to Hamilton AFB, Calif., which scrambled 6 F-102 jets from Portland [?] to intercept UFO. FAA station observers saw object hover and emit long tongues of red, yellow and green light which extended and retracted at irregular intervals. As F-102’s approached the object from the SE [?] it turned into mushroom shape, emitted red and yellow flames from lower side and ascended rapidly, disappearing above scattered clouds at about 14,000 ft [altitude? height?]. [Object’s departure forced one F-102 to swerve to avoid collision, another nearly lost control from UFO’s turbulent wake; tracked on F-102 airborne radars but jets unable to intercept.] Object reappeared about 20 miles S of Redmond at about 25,000 ft. Seattle Center reported at 6:20 a.m. radar contact with object about 25 miles S of Redmond at 52,000 ft was made by USAF ADC radar site at Klamath Falls, Ore., which tracked a large 300-400 ft[?] target and vectored B-47 and F-89 aircraft to identify. Redmond FAA controllers lost sight of object. Seattle FAA reported at 7:11 a.m. that Klamath Falls radar still tracked object at 25 miles S of Redmond but varying altitude from 6,000 to 52,000 ft.
(Project Blue Book)
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, V, Fran Ridge,
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg xxii)
1958 Dec 20 - Two Patrolmen See Glowing Red UFO in New Jersey
Dunellen, New Jersey
Patrolmen LeRoy A. Arboreen and B. Talada were on night patrol when they saw an object coming from the west. "At first it looked like a red hot piece of coal about the size of a quarter held at arm's length. In a matter of seconds it was as large as a ruler held at arm's length... The body of the object was solid bright red and it gave off a pulsating red glow... The object hovered a few seconds, then made a left turn and again hovered for a few seconds, then went straight up like a shot."
( case 639)
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, I,, Richard Hall (1964))
1958 Oct 12 - Police Report UFOs Moving In All Directions
Aurora, Illinois
1958 Aug 24 - Police Report Hovering UFO
Westwood, N. J.
1958 Jun 23 - Police Photograph Two UFOs
Nr. England AFB, Louisiana
1958 Apr 7 - Police Watch 2 UFOs Maneuvering
Newport Beach, California
Police watched two UFOs with flashing body lights, maneuver near coastline. Similar sightings for two nights in El Toro and Santa Ana.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VII,
1957 Dec 3 - Police Confirm Sighting
Ellensburg (near), Washington
1957 Nov 24-25 - Police UFO Chase Ensues
Pierre, South Dakota
Air force jets were scrambled at least once during a multi-day UFO sighting near Pierre from November 24 to 25, and possibly longer. At one point during the series of sightings, state police chased the object.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 196)
1957 Nov 10 - Police Follow Rocket Machine
Hammond, Indiana
During the evening of November 10 in Hammond, Indiana, hundreds of people saw a rocket-shaped machine race overhead. The police followed it, and the captain said a loud beeping sound blocked the radio reception. Residents also reported radio and television failure as the UFO passed by.
(The UFO Evicence,
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 206)
1957 Nov 6 - Police Watch UFO From Mountain Top
Radium Springs, New Mexico
10:50 p.m. Las Cruces policeman [Barela?] and a Dona Ana County Deputy Sheriff saw a round object changing from red to green to blue to white rising vertically from a mountain top. 10 mins
(Berliner; FUFOR Index)
(Project Blue Book 5227)
1957 Nov 6 - Police Chase UFO With Radio Loss
Nr. Danville, Illinois
Cat. 3. State Police chased UFO for 15 miles, unable to notify headquarters because their radio went mysteriously dead."
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence,
1957 Nov 4 - Police Observe Luminous Object
Elmwood Park, Illinois
In Elmwood Park, Illinois, at 3:15 am on November 4, two police officers and a third man were looking for the cause of a headlight failure. At that moment, a luminous object, a reddish elongated object, descended about two hundred feet from them. The car headlights functioned properly again, and the they drove toward the object but had to stop at a cemetary wall. They turned off all lights and watched the object for two more minutes.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 205)
1957 Nov 4 - Police Experience Radio Interference From UFO
Kodak, Alaska
1957 Jun 22 - Two Patrolmen Observe Plunging Object
Rye/Long Island Sound, NY.
Two patrolmen at Rye, NY, watched a large object with two white lights and one red light plunge into Long Island Sound.
(Invisible Residents, Ivan T. Sanderson, pg 39)
(Port Chester, NY, Item, 22 June 1957)
1957 Feb 13 - Investigating Officer Confirms Sighting
Burbank, California
Police received many calls about oval-shaped objects over city. Officer Robert Wells, who went to investigate, confirmed the sighting.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, XII,
1956 Dec 1 - UFO Stops Police Radio
Valley City, ND
12:20 AM. One round object, red to orange in color, was observed at approximately 1000 foot altitude. The object had rapid movements movements up and down, sideways, and hovered. As a police car approached the object the police car lost radio contact with station at Valley City. Valley City also lost contact with Jamestown, South Dakota. All radio contact was regained after the object left the area.
(BB files, Dan Wilson)
1956 Nov 24/25 - Police and Jets Pursue UFO
Nr. Pierre, South Dakota
Cat. 9 - radar. Ground/air/visual. Widespread UFO sightings for several days. State police chased UFO and Air Force jets were scrambled.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VII,
1956 Sep 14 - Policeman Watches 14 UFOs
Highland, North Carolina
At 1am, in Scaly, N. Car., policeman O. S. Gryman saw 14 yellow-to-red round objects with tremendous exhaust fly in a vague formation from SW to E to NE and back again, while swooping up and down.
(Project Blue Book 4399)
1956 July 19 - Kansas State Police Confirm Sightings
Hutchinson, Kansas
On July 19 in Hutchinson, Kansas, a naval air station tracked "a moving unidentified object" on radar. The state police observed it visually as a teardrop-shaped lightsource. The object moved horizontally and vertically over much of the sky.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VIII,
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 187)
1955 Aug 21-22 - The Hopkinsville Encounter
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
During the famous Hopkinsville encounter, a family were harassed by an apparent alien. When the family managed to get assistance from the local police. The Deputy Sheriff arrived to investigate and saw a fast-moving lighted object in the sky.
(Project Blue Book)
(Davis-Bloecher 1978; Hynek UFO Rpt pp. 212-6; Vallée Magonia 372; FUFOR Index)
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 179)
1955 Nov 2 - Police Watch Six Oval UFOs
Williston, Fla.
Police and other witnesses saw as many as six oval-shaped objects in formation.
(NICAP, The UFO Evidence, VIII,
1955 Aug 25 - Three Policemen Testify To UFO Over Uranium Plant
10:55 p.m, Fernald Uranium Processing plant near Ross, Ohio
An Unidentified Flying Object was reported over the FERNALD URANIUM PROCESSING PLANT on August 25, 1955. This event was witnessed by police Sgt. Ralph Weber, Patrolman Ernest Nehree and Patrolman Maurice Wiseman, at 10:55 p.m. The ‘flickering red glow’ over the atom plant was described as 'something like the exhaust from an airliner, which flickered.' The object reportedly would drop 100 to 300 feet and then go back up, sometimes darting 'side to side' like it couldn't stay stationary. The Cincinnati Post reported that the Atomic Energy Commission had launched an investigation into the matter.
(9. The Cincinnati Post, August 26, 1955)
1954 Sep 21 - Police Witness Zig-zagging Fireball
Barstow, California
1 a.m. (PST) 2 local policemen, 4 USMC police, and a highway patrolman saw a red-orange ball giving off sparks, and a smaller light, making a zigzag descent then hover.
(Project Blue Book 3222)
1954 May 31 - Police Witness to Glowing Sphere
An AP story describes a glowing disc seen by a pilot, an air traffic controller, police, and residents from Spokane to Portland.
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 151)
1954 May 6 - Two Officers Watch UFOs at Airport
Washington National Airport
Two Police Officers at the Washington National Airport saw two large, glowing, oval objects approach the airport and maneuver over that part of the city. Military Air Transport confirmed its presence, and the object was seen for over an hour. An air force spokesman in the Pentagon told reporters it was an "Unidentified Flying Object."
(UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, pg 151)
1954 Jan 1-2 - Officers Amoung Many Witnesses to UFOs
Toms River, Marlton, Woodbury, and Surf City, New Jersey
At 10:35pm - 12:05am, Navy pilot Lt. JG George G. Morgan of Lakehurst NAS, police chief (or captain?) Richard Clement, police officer Oliver G. Osborne and other officers, and 20+ other witnesses, saw 3-12 round or oval white objects with fuzzy edges slightly smaller than Full Moon angular size hovering in the sky to the S for 1.5 hours as 2 objects circled around one (in 2-4 secs) (seen to the ESE from Woodbury, SW from Surf City at high elevation), then switched places with each other. Some witnesses (such as Mrs. Worthington and son Norton in Woodbury) attempted to drive towards the objects to investigate. Objects suddenly departed to the SW at extremely high speed growing smaller until disappearance in 1-2 secs covering about 60° of sky. Multiple independent witnesses across a baseline of at least 12 miles resulted in triangulation near Beach Haven, NJ, from distances of about 15 to 40 miles. At least 5 witnesses used binoculars including 7x50 Bausch &Lomb. Hynek calculated speed of 90,000 mph, hovering altitude 4 miles, object diameter 1,500 ft.
(Project Blue Book)
(Mary Castner/CUFOS)
1952 Sep 22 - Police Observe 3-4 UFOs
Fairfax County, Va.
1953 Sep 11-13 - Police Watch UFOs for Three Nights
Chiloquin, Ore
1952 Aug 28 - Police Watch UFO
Atlanta, Ga.
1952 Aug 18 - 3 Policemen Watch Colourful Flying Diamond
Fairfield, California
At 12:50am, 3 policemen saw an object change color from redgreen-orange-blue, shaped like a diamond, and change directions [?] traveling in a straight line "sideways" [?] gaining altitude. Military witnesses [?]. 30 mins.
(Project Blue Book 1920)
(Berliner; cf. Hynek-CUFOS re-eval; Jan Aldrich)
1952 Aug - Spinning Light Descends At Police
Falls Church, Virginia
A rotating light UFO seen by ground observers, including police. When police officer tilted scout car spotlight upward, object seemed to descend toward it. Light was hurriedly turned off, and object rose to former height, continued rotating.
(CCL Item #39)
1952 Jul 29 - More Flying Saucers Are Watched By Many
south central Indiana
Police and military observers and hundreds of civilians reported seeing three "flying saucer" objects over south central Indiana between midnight and dawn yesterday.
State police at Indianapolis, Seymour and Connersville posts, and army and air force observers at Camp Atterbury said they watched the objects for several hours.
(Timmins, Ontario, DAILY PRESS, 29 July 1952, page 1, INDIANAPOLIS - AP)
1952 Jul 23 - County Policeman Amoung Witnesses
Alexandria, Virginia
At 9:00pm, a red object, size undetermined, was sighted southwest of Alexandria, Virginia. The object hovered for 10 minutes, then disappeared in a westerly direction at a high rate of speed. The witnesses were a County Policeman, two airmen and a civilian. The object was last seen moving to the west. The night of July 23, 1952, the same day the alleged "Fragment" was shot off a "flying saucer," a UFO was reported at Alexandria, Virginia.
(Project Blue Book)
1952 Jun 29 - Air Police Correlate Airport UFOs
O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois.
At 5:45-6:30pm (CDT), 3 USAF air policemen, 83rd Air Base Sq, Air Police Detachment, S/Sgt. Lopez, A/1c Weber, and A/3c Korkowski, saw a bright silver, smooth surfaced, flat oval 30 ft object at about 5001,000 ft height about 2-3 miles away reflecting sunlight surrounded by a blue circle of haze for the first 20-25 mins, hovering, appeared between radio towers for stations WGN and WBBN 7 miles away [at 42° 0' 42" N, 88° 2' 7" W, and 41° 59' 32" N, 88° 1'6" W] to the WSW at about 2° elevation and to the left and S of the setting sun (which was at 284° azimuth 20° elevation at 6:30), then move very fast to the right and left, and up and down relative to the radio towers, moving almost instantaneously and much faster than any jet fighter. Object rocked on its longitudinal axis, appeared oval (major/minor axis ratio about 2.2) when oriented vertically, thin and difficult to see when horizontal. Object receded at high speed then disappeared like shutting off a light. No trail, no noise. Independently witnessed by Chicago firemen several miles away.
(Project Blue Book 1364)
(Jan Aldrich; unpublished Ruppelt manuscript)