 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
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Derek Sheffield, Blanford, 1996.
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In November 1989, near Eupen in eastern Belgium, at least 19 police officers, along with countless civilians, witnessed a massive triangular craft making unusual maneuvers over the countryside, marking the start of the famous Belgium UFO wave of 1989-1990. One sighting, witnessed by an estimated 13,500 people, and tracked on RADAR, sparked an attempted jet interception by the Belgian Air Force which was even made public. If that wasn't enough, the UFO is apparently observed trailing a convoy transporting sensitive nuclear equipment. As host and home to the General Assembly of the United Nations, one would've thought the world would've stood up and taken notice of these remarkable events unfolding over western Europe.
Sheffield details his investigations into the Belgian Triangle UFO wave that rocked Belgium from 1989 to 1990, and with reports trickling in for many years after. Paranoid and frustrated, Sheffield takes on the view that a huge cover-up has ensued, attacking anyone and everyone in authority for their lack of information as uncooperative. Even Nick Pope of the Ministry of Defense, who is famous for his efforts to release UFO information to the public, cops some judgement. In Sheffield's report to the European Parliament, 75 police officers are listed as witnesses to the UFO.
A valuable contribution to the Belgian triangle UFO mystery, Sheffield documents a very important UFO event, one of international significance, and one that deserved far more attention than it received.
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