 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
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Nick Pope. Simon & Schuster, 1997.
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Nick Pope's job for the Ministry of Defence was to determine if UFOs consituted anything of defence significance. Long after his UFO posting with the Ministry, he continues his research deeper into the UFO phenomenon. In this, his second UFO publication, he reveals the most disturbing implications for defence yet - If the accounts were to be believed, then not only were UFOs penetrating our sophisticated air defence network with impunity, but the occupants of the craft were carrying out intrusive and frightening procedures on unwilling human subjects.
The UK's top UFO expert brings us another brilliant publication, this time an expose of the alien abuction phenomenon. Authorative and balanced, Pope reviews the field of alien abduction today. He revises famous cases and brings to light new cases, and discusses current progress and advances into investigation and research into the phenomenon.
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