 UFOs and the National Security State - Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973
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Kelly Cahill. Harper Collins, 1996.
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Kelly Cahill was an Australian housewife, a mother of three, and a non-believer in UFOs. Then driving home one night with her husband, her journey was interrupted by a strange blinding light. Something out-of-this-world happened that night that turned her belief system upside-down, and at first too terrifying to remember, then too disturbing to forget, Kelly slowly began to remember and peice together what had happened. Soon she discovered she wasn't alone - There were other people there, and when investigators tracked them down, their stories matched.
While researchers laboured to reconstruct what happened, Kelly laboured to keep her sanity. While investigators scoured the countryside for evidence, Kelly began searching for sense and spiritual meaning. In the early hours of Sunday 8 August 1993, several independent groups of people seem to have been confronted with a UFO by the roadside and overwhelmed by non-human beings. What exactly happened on that night? Encounter is Kelly's personal story of her enounter with something not earthly, and how she struggled to come to terms with what she experienced.
Now one of a legion of apparent alien abductees worldwide, Kelly reports how her life has changed. More spiritual and in tune with nature, she now commits herself to healthy living and serving humanity by peacefully bettering the world. Something profound happened that night, something soul-changing. A genuine and heartfelt story of one woman's ordeal with apparent extraterrestrials. A very readable Australian contribution to the mural of alien abduction literature.
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